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Hello friends, we are working on our new Movie A DREAM AND A DESTINY Ep 97

In this movie there are many scenes where Noemi is surrounded by the beauty of nature, for this reason we offer you 5 proposals for the movie poster.

This time the choice will be more difficult than ever!

We would be very grateful if you would help us choose the best image to illustrate the film. Which of the proposals do you like the most?

You can vote for more than one!


Noemi & josep


Hola amigos, estamos trabajando en nuestra nueva Pelicula A DREAM AND A DESTINY Ep 97

En esta pelicula hay muchas escenas donde Noemi se encuantra rodeada de la belleza de la naturaleza, por esta razon os ofrecemos 5 propuestas para el cartel de la pelicula.

En esta ocasion la eleccion sera mas dificil que nunca!

Os agradeceriamos mucho que nos ayudaris a escojer la mejor imajen para ilustrar la pelicula. Cuales de las propuestas os gustan mas?

Podeis votar por mas de una!


Noemi y Josep



LA VIDA A VELA, Noemi & Josep

Thank you very much for so many votes and for the comments and reflections that you make us! We are doing this project together and we like to receive your opinions. Proposal number 1 is the winner! Thank you so much, you are amazing !!! ❤️

Ray Zebley

2 or 3. Naomi, you have a beautiful bum. Love that smile! You GLOW girl!