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Hello friends, after 3 months of sailing and a journey that has taken us from the coast of Catalonia to the south of France, Italy Elba, Corcega, Cedrenya, for a fantastic journey of more than a thousand miles. We have returned to Menorca where we will take advantage of the last days of this summer that is already ending.

Certainly autumn is approaching, and the storms are more and more frequent, we have been very busy for a few days with the crossing from Sardinia to Menorca and the search for the appropriate shelters for the days of really bad weather that we have had.

Now that we are in the port of Maho, Menorca, we will give the final touches to our latest movie SAILING ON YOUR SKIN Ep 96 and we will release it very soon!

Thanks friends we love you !!!



Hola amigos, despues de 3 meses de navegacion y un recorrido que nos ha llevado desde la costa de Catalunya al sur de Francia, Italia Elba, Corcega, Cedrenya,  por un fantasstico recorrido de mas de mil millas. Hemos regresado a Menorca donde aprovecharemos los ultimos dias de este verano que ya esta terminando.

Ciertamente el otoño ya se acerca, y las tormentas son cada vez mas frecuentes, hemos estado unos dias muy ocupados con con el cruce desde Cerdeña a Menorca y la busqueda de los refugios adecuados para los dias de realmente mal tiempo que hemos tenido. 

Ahoira que nos encontramos en el puerto de Maho, Menorca daremos los ultimos retoques a nuestra ultima pelicula SAILING ON YOUR SKIN Ep 96 y la estrenaremos muy pronto!

Gracias amigos os queremos!!!

