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Hello friends, yesterday Saturday we premiered episode 94 on YouTube, and we are very happy to be able to premiere now here on Patreon, Ep 95 TWO SOULS, ONE DREAM.

This exclusive version for YouTube includes some extra scenes after the credits, which we will not be able to include on YouTube due to its restrictive rules against nudity.


Noemi & Josep


Hola amigos, ayer sabado estrenamos el episodio 94 en Youtube, y estamos muy felices de poder estrenar ahora aqui en Patreon, el Ep 95 TWO SOULS, ONE DREAM. 

Esta version exclusiva para Youtube incluye algunas escenas extra despues de los creditos, que no podremos incluir en Youtube debido a sus restrictivas normas contra la desnudez.


Noemi & Josep


Ep 95 · Two Souls One Dream · Youtube + Patreon Edition

We continue sailing through the island of Menorca, in this new movie we will discover more of the city of Maó, which has the largest natural port in the Mediterranean and a rich architecture. Noemi, who is an animal lover, will fulfill one of her dreams and ride a horse along the famous Cami de cavalls route in Menorca.


Alberto E. Delucca

Estoy 100% de acuerdo contigo. A mi le encanta estar desnudo en mi lancha y los que están a mi alrededor son igual que nosotros.


Greetings to my two sailing friends.I always look forward to a new video. Love ya! Chuck