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Hello friends, we are very happy to be able to premiere our new Episode for YouTube here on Patreon.

Now we are starting a series of videos dedicated to the Island of Menorca, a wonderful island that we are already in love with.

As usual this is a special version for patreon as it includes some extra scenes after the credits.

We have already sent all the VIP POSTS to the SKY and Superior Patrons, if someone has not received it or has problems accessing it, please tell us and we will solve it.

We love you !!!

Noemi & josep


Hola amigos estamos muy felices de poder estrenar aqui en Patreon nuestro nuevo Episodio para Youtube.

Ahora empezamos una serie de videos dedicados a la Isla de Menorca, una isla maravillosa de la que ya estamos enamorados.

Como es habitual esta es una version especial para patreon ya que incluye algunas escenas extra despues de los creditos.

Ya enviamos todos los VIP POSTS a los Patrons SKY y Superiores, si alguien no lo ha recibido o tiene problemas para acceder ppor favor que nos lo diga y lo solucionaremos.

Os queremos!!!

Noemi & Josep


89 ONE MORE MEMORY Youtube episode

THIS YOUTUBE EPISODE CONTAINS SOME EXTRA SCENES AFTER THE CREDITS FOR ALL OUR PATRONS With this film we begin a new Series that will be dedicated to the Island of Menorca. We leave Mallorca behind loaded with the fantastic moments lived and at the same time full of enthusiasm to discover what awaits us on the Island of Menorca.


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