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Hello friends, we are very happy to be able to premiere our new episode for YouTube here on Patreon. 

This is a very special Episode as we sail to Cala Calobra, one of the most beautiful places in the Mediterranean. 

As always after the credits you will find some extra images that we cannot show on YouTube due to its restrictive norms against nudity.

We love you

Noemi & josep

Hola amigos, estamos muy felices de poder estrenar aqui en Patreon nuestro nuvo episodio para youtube. 

Este es un Episodio muy especial ya que navegamos hasta la Cala Calobra, uno de los sitios mas bellos del Mediterraneo. 

Como siempre despues de los creditos encontrareis algunas imagenes extra que no podemos mostrar en Youtube debido a sus restrictivas normas contra la desnudez. 

Con Amor

Noemi y Josep


Ep87 CALL OF THE WIND Youtube Ep. Patreon version

YOUTUBE EPISODE INCLUDING SOME EXTRA EXCLUSIVE PATREON SCENES AFTER THE CREDITS. Traveling on a sailboat is full of surprises and emotions, while we sail through the Northwest of Mallorca, strong winds surprise us until we reach Cala Calobra, where we find an authentic paradise where nature shows itself with all its strength, and a beauty that captivates us.