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Hello friends, we are finishing our new movie "JUST YOU AND ME"!

And just as it appears in our logo, Noemi has transformed into a mermaid.

We would like it very much, that as usual you help us choose the best poster to illustrate the new movie on Vimeo on Demand.

Which of the three posters do you like best?

We Love You!!!

Nemi  Josep


Hola amigos, estamos terminando nuestra nueva pelicula " JUST YOU AND ME"! 

Y tal como aparece en nuestro logo, Noemi se ha transformado en una sirena.

Nos gustaria mucho, que como ya es habitual nos ayudarais a escojer el mejor poster para ilustrar la nueva pelicula en Vimeo on Demand.

Cual de los tres posters te gusta mas?

Les Queremos!!!

Noemi y Josep



LA VIDA A VELA, Noemi & Josep

Thanks friends, the voting has been very even but the number 2 is the winner !!! We love you !!! ❤️❤️❤️