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Hello friends, we are very happy to be able to release here in Patreon the version for youtube of our new Movie. BORN AGAIN Ep 66

We will premiere this episode on YouTube within a week. Until then only you can see it!

This is a special version, since after the credits, it includes the scenes that we cannot show on YouTube due to its restrictive norms against nudity.

We have already sent the VIP codes to attend the premiere of the full 30-minute movie on Vimeo on Demand, to all SKY level Patrons and above.


If someone has not received it, or has any problem to access, please let we know and we will solve it.

Next Friday, New PRIVATE VIDEO! 

Thanks for your support!


Noemi & Josep


Ep66 BORN AGAIN Patreon

We start our fifth season of videos in a totally unexpected way. A pandemic has paralyzed the whole world, and now that we have been allowed to sail again, we are reunited with the sea, the sun, and freedom. We sail through the Ebro Delta with its infinite horizons, its unique and spectacular landscapes and our yearnings for freedom.



Despite everything, we will all continue to live, continue to create! Thank you for the motivating video!

Paulo Chaves Lopez

Olá Noemi & Josep. eu sou de Salvador, Bahia Brasil e tenho gostado muito dos vídeos de vocês. A alegria, paz, brincadeiras entre vocês, o gosto pelo mar e pela liberdade, são coisas que me motivam a continuar seguindo vocês. Como vocês mesmo disseram, a vida no mar não é só beleza, tem momentos de muitas turbulências, momentos de muito trabalho, atenção o tempo todo, manutenção constante mas, ao se deparar com paisagens tão lindas, todas estas dificuldades são esquecidas pois vale muito a pena. Um grande abraço e que Deus continue iluminando os passos de vocês