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Tomorrow friday we will premiere our new movie THE MEANTIME and we will send a VIP CODE to attend the premiere to all our SKY level Patrons and above. We are very excited about this movie and we are convinced that you will like it!.

Please help us to choose the best poster for the movie, which one do you like more than the 2 proposals?


Noemi & Josep



LA VIDA A VELA, Noemi & Josep

Thanks friends!!! In Episode 41 we made a selection by way of introduction, of the most beautiful images of the Italian Islands of Ventotene, Palmarola and Ponza, and we did not remember that we had used this Image for the poster of episode 41!!!! Thanks to you we have realized this great failure!!!! Thank you so much!!!  This image of Noemi with open arms flying over the sea is the end of the New movie along with a beautiful song. For me it is one of the best scenes. We change the Image to choose the best one, keep in mind that these images will have to be a little censored because they go in the public part of Vimeo and do not allow us to publish them as they are. Thank you so much!!!


Noemí es demasiado hermosa y muy natural Esta es la elegida para el episodio