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Help us choose the best poster for the new movie!

Which one do you prefer? this one?, the other one?


Noemi & Josep



Dustin DeVore

thank you now it's perfection!!! almost a sin to distort a woman of such beauty. I'm a professional photographer with 48 years experience and have photographed thousands of women in my career and Noemi is truly a great model for you. thanks for sharing her beauty with the rest of us!

LA VIDA A VELA, Noemi & Josep

Thanks Dustin, YouTube and the rest of social networks are imposing censorship worldwide where showing a nipple is almost a sin. This is normal in the United States but in Europe this means a serious setback. Now for example we can watch a European movie on television where a nude comes out naturally, and at the same time youtube removes videos for much less.   Your opinion as a professional photographer is very important for us since we are only an ordinary couple learning how to transmit our emotions and the beauty that surrounds us. LOVE


Yes, it's true. Your life is a dream )))