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As you already know, YouTube is very strict on the subject of nudes, and the world is full of people who have nothing else to that report videos that they consider obscene.  

We try to adapt our YouTube videos to their stupid norms because if we do not do it YouTube can delete the video ( This already happened with our episode 14 ) or can put an age restriction ( This happened with 6 of our youtube episodes), or a restriction for advertising. ( this already happened wit 15 of our videos!).... When any of this restrictions is applied  the episode in question is no longer recommended in the YouTube searches and drastically reducing visits.  

This just happened again with the episode 29 that despite not showing explicit nudity and having blurred the breasts of Noemi, has been qualified for over 18 years! This is absurd but there is nothing we can do against these absurdities. 

 It is for this reason that from now on we will be more restrictive with the youtube episodes to ensure that our videos can be viewed freely and without limitations on YouTube. But also from now on, in the version for Patreon we will include at the end of the video, the scenes that we have eliminated from Youtube,   


- Our main movie, shot with complete freedom, is published in VIMEO ON DEMAND, has a duration of around 30 minutes, and we release a new movie every two weeks. All our PATRONS of the SKY level and above, receive a VIP CODE to attend the premiere.  

 - Our adaptation for Youtube, will last around 10 minutes and we will continue trying to fit it in the restrictive youtube norms   

- A youtube version will be published in advance ONLY in PATREON, uncensored and with some extra scenes at the end of the episode (which we had to eliminate from youtube). This version can be seen by all our PATRONS.   If you have any question please feel free to let us to know.   


Noemi & Josep



John E Vandiver

I wish I were smart enough to start a new channel. To accept all the fantastic material that is out there.....stay strong, and know this I will call out a you tube every chance I get.. Keep making film we will get over these idiots. John

LA VIDA A VELA, Noemi & Josep

Thanks Jhon, the power of Youtube, Facebook, Instagram ... in these issues is huge and they are private companies that are imposing a worldwide censorship. The setback in terms of freedom over the human body in youth is enormous. If some religions say that showing the human body is sin, nobody pays attention. But these big social networks are imposing a new era of mental repression on the own body. We will continue making the movies that we like, even if it is countercurrent and for small minorities like all the friends that we meet here in PATREON

Robert M Ramsauer

I do not like the censorship on Youtube ! I love the way Noemi's whole face lights up when she smiles keep up the good work .