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We are very excited to share exclusively for all our Patrons Episode 27 of Youtube, the next Friday will be released on YouTube, until then only our patrons can see it without censoring.

Also next Friday we will publish the new Vimeo on Demand movie "Forever Free", it is a film shot entirely in the beautiful cove of Roccapina and where we show the relaxed life, in contact with nature that entails to life on a sailboat. The whole life revolves around the beautiful landscape that surrounds us, wearing clothes has no meaning, we feel free and we feel part of nature.

All our patrons of the SKY level or higher will receive a VIP Access Code to attend the premiere.


Noemi & Josep


Ep 27, " Forever Freee" Roccapina, Corsica - Youtube

SUPPORT US ON PATREON AND HAVE ACCES TO EXCLUSIVE VIDEOS: www.patreon.com/lavidaavela This Episode is a reduced version for YOUTUBE of our original Movie "Forever Free". you can see the full movie on: VIMEO ON DEMAND/ LA VIDA A VELA ENGLISH SUBTITLES - SUBTITULOS EN ESPAÑOL - V.O CATALA ALEADER WATER SHOES: www.aleadergear.com 15% Discount code: JOSEP15 (online shopping) ROCCAPINA, CORSICA This episode is completely dedicated to Roccapina Cove in Corsica.


LA VIDA A VELA, Noemi & Josep

Gracies Ramon, m'alegro que t'agradi, els drons han posat a l'abast de totohom poder obtenir imatges aereas de gairabe cualsevol lloc, encara estem aprenent a fer anar aquest trasto pero es molt util per mostrar paisatges i explicar hiostories.

K. Steven Monk

Another great video! Please keep up the good work. I salute you. Fair winds.