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One of the pleasures of sailing, is to set the anchor in a cove and let pass time, forget everything and just live the moment in contact with nature.

Now we are working on our next episode, which we will dedicate entirely to the beautiful Cala de Roccapina in Corsica of which we already showed some images at the end of the previous episode.

In this film we want to show with images all the feelings of peace and relaxation that we feel when we have been sailing for days

We do not have a schedule, we do not have anything to do, just feel and get excited for so much beauty in harmony.

A part of us will always be in Roccapina!

Next Friday we will publish a nice preview of the Vimeo on Demand Film, for all our Patrons. And we will also publish the VIP Post with exclusive scenes for our patrons of the WIND level and above.


Noemi & Josep



Johan Jansson

is it much diffrent from 20 to 50 level?

LA VIDA A VELA, Noemi & Josep

I guess you mean your pledge in Patreon, the main difference is that with the WIND level (€ 50) you have access to the VIP POSTS containing the exclusive and most sexy scenes of Noemi. If you like it, you can also chat privately with Noemi or with me. Thanks for your support

Johan Jansson

trying this in dec, love Noemi..;-)