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We are very happy to be able to publish in Exclusive for you, our new episode of the series LA VIDA A VELA on Youtube !, EP. 21- Es Trenc, Mallorca. Part 2

This is the version that, within 3 days, we will publish on Youtube, but these days, only you can see it, as our patrons.

YouTube continues marking our videos as for over 18 years, or as not suitable for advertising. So your support is very important for us.

For this reason when this video will be published on YouTube, we will have to censor some scene where Noemi shows too much, according to the strict rules of YouTube, which we do not share at all.

We are also finishing our version more free for Vimeo on Demand, a version of twice as long, where we can make the videos without feeling coerced by retrograde mentalities.

All our Patrons of the Sky level or higher will receive an access code to watch this new movie on Vimeo on Demand.


Ep. 21- Es Trenc, Mallorca. Part 2. Sailing Balearic Islands. Navegar a vela Mediterraneo.

SUPPORT US ON PATREON AND HAVE ACCES TO EXCLUSIVE VIDEOS: www.patreon.com/lavidaavela This Episode is a reduced version for YOUTUBE of our original Movie "Es Trenc Mallorca, Part 2 ". you can see the full movie on: VIMEO ON DEMAND/ LA VIDA A VELA We're sorry to have to censor some scenes to adapt this YOUTUBE version to the very restrictive YOUTUBE COMMUNITY NORMS about nudity. You can see this same Reduced Version for YouTube UNCENSORED for free in our PATREON website. ENGLISH SUBTITLES - SUBTITULOS EN ESPAÑOL - V.O CATALA -We regret having to censor some images of this video, this is due to the strict norms of youtube on nudity, you can see this same uncensored video on our Vimeo channel and an extended version on Vimeo on Demand. English: In this episode we sail through the south of Mallorca and arrive at the paradisiacal beaches of Es Trenc. We immerse ourselves in its waters so clean and so blue. It is the last great beach of Mallorca that still does not develop, we walk through its dunes and relax on the beach. Back to the boat we prepare a delicious "Sandwitx Mallorquin". It is needed: Bread, Sobrasada, Cheese and Butter. Sobrasada is a typical product of the Balearic Islands and is made with pork, pepper, paprika and other species. The Images of the lonely beaches of Es Trenc, have been recorded in the morning in the month of June, we discourage going in July and August, since in high season it is usually a crowded beach. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Español: En este episodio navegamos por el sur de Mallorca y llegamos a las paradisíacas playas de Es Trenc. Nos sumergimos en sus aguas tan limpias y tan azules. Es la última gran playa de Mallorca que sigue sin desarrollarse, caminamos por sus dunas y nos relajamos en la playa. De regreso al barco preparamos un delicioso "Sandwitx Mallorquin". Se necesita: Pan, Sobrasada, Queso y Mantequilla. La Sobrasada es un producto tipico de las Islas Baleares y es elaborada con carne de cerdo, pimienta, pimenton y otras especies. Las imagenes de las playas solitarias de Es Trenc, han sido grabadas por la mañana en el mes de junio, desaconsejamos ir en julio y agosto, ya que en temporada alta suele ser una playa masificada. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Catala: En aquest episodi naveguem pel sud de Mallorca i arribem a les paradisíaques platges d'Es Trenc. Ens submergim en les seves aigües tan netes i blaves. És l'última gran platja de Mallorca que es conserva sense edificar, caminem per les seves dunes i ens relaxem a la platja... De retorn al vaixell preparem un deliciós "Sandwitx Mallorqui". Es necessita: Pa, Sobrassada, Formatge i Mantega. Les Imatges de les platges solitàries d'Es Trenc, han estat gravades al matí al mes de juny, desaconsellem anar hi al Juliol i l'Agost, ja que en temporada alta, sol ser una platja massificada.


Miguel Dominguez

Poder disfrutar de esa manera de un buen café por la mañana con la mar en calma y esas vistas, eso no tiene precio.

LA VIDA A VELA, Noemi & Josep

Hacer la guàrdia de la madrugada, ver la salida del sol, que los delfines vengan a jugar en la proa, y ese cafè.....Son estos momentos magicos que ta da el navegar.