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We've arrived at Episode 20!!! THANKS FRIENDS you are making it possible!!!

Our Youtube channel already has 25000 subscribers! and despite the blockade that many of our videos receive from youtube, our videos already have more than 8 million views.

This is a channel still young, and your help is essential to be able to grow, this channel LA VIDA A VELA, Thank you very much!

We are delighted to be able to show this episode in scoop for our patrons, in 3 days we will publish this episode on youtube, meanwhile only you can see it. We hope you like it!!

Also within 3 days we will publish our most personal and daring version in Vimeo on Demand, all our sponsors of the SKY level or higher will receive a personal vip access code.


Ep 20 Es Trenc, Mallorca. Sailing Balearic Islands- Navegar a Vela

SUPPORT US ON PATREON AND HAVE ACCES TO EXCLUSIVE VIDEOS: www.patreon.com/lavidaavela This Episode is a reduced version for YOUTUBE of our original Movie "Es Trenc, Mallorca". you can see the full movie on: VIMEO ON DEMAND/ LA VIDA A VELA We're sorry to have to censor some scenes to adapt this YOUTUBE version to the very restrictive YOUTUBE COMMUNITY NORMS about nudity. You can see this same Reduced Version for YouTube, UNCENSORED for free in our PATREON website. ENGLISH SUBTITLES - SUBTITULOS EN ESPAÑOL - V.O CATALA In this episode, we sail to the paradisiacal beaches of Es Trenc, Mallorca. It is the last large sand that remains unbuilt in Mallorca and is famous throughout the world for its crystal clear turquoise waters. Trenc is considered a nudist beach, although in summer it is usually crowded and there are more people with swimsuits than taking photos. The images of this video have been recorded early in a month of June to capture all the beauty of this wonderful site. We strongly discourage visiting these plyas in the months of July and August and especially in the central hours of the day. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- En este episodio, navegamos hacia las paradisíacas playas de Es Trenc, Mallorca. Es la última gran arena que permanece sin construir en Mallorca y es famosa en todo el mundo por sus aguas turquesa cristalinas. Trenc es considerada una playa nudista, aunque en verano suele estar abarrotada y hay más personas con bañadores que tomando fotos. Las imágenes de este video se grabaron a principios de un mes de junio para capturar toda la belleza de este maravilloso sitio. Recomendamos encarecidamente visitar estas playas en los meses de julio y agosto y especialmente en las horas centrales del día. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- En aquest episodi, naveguem cap a les paradisíaques platges d'Es Trenc, Mallorca. És l'última gran arenal que roman sense construir a Mallorca i és famosa a tot el món per les seves aigües cristal·lines de color turquesa. . Es Trenc ésta considerada una platja nudista, encara que a l'estiu sol estar massificada i hi ha més persones amb banyadors fent fotos, que nudistes. Les imatges d'aquest vídeo es van gravar a principis d'un mes de juny per capturar tota la bellesa d'aquest meravellós lloc. Recomanem no visitar aquestes platges en els mesos de juliol i agost i especialment en les hores centrals del dia.


Super Dave

I know this may sound silly but I have a question here. it seems like both of you spend a fair amount of time by the water and in the sun. Here where I live, I would be tanned such a deep bronzed color while all around me would be telling me I'm going to get skin cancer. In looking at your pictures and videos I see that you each are paler than I am and as well all my friends who spend time in the sun. Do you have a secret we don't know about for being in the sun so much? Or does your diet contribute to it?

LA VIDA A VELA, Noemi & Josep

This is an important question, for years we used to be in the sun without protection, but 3 years ago a freckle took a bad look and it turned out to be a start of cancer, I have a good scar on my back as a memory. The doctor told us that the skin had a memory regarding the hours of sun accumulated throughout life. Since then we are more careful, I (josep) almost always wear Tshirt, you can see the difference of color in my arms and we use maximum protection creams. Anyway, the images of this video were recorded in the month of June, which is the beginning of summer in the Mediterranean. Despite all the precautions taken, at the end of summer we are also tanned.

mm couple mx

excellent content!!!! We love!!!!