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We are working on our new movie where we leave Palermo and sail to the beautiful town of Cefalú in the north of Sicily. During the trip we got some beautiful images of Noemi on the cover of MY LIFE and which we have now converted into April's VIP POST.

We hope you like this preview of the new movie!

We wish you a very happy weekend!

with love

Noemi & Josep


Estamos trabajando en nuestra nueva pelicula donde dejamos Palermo y navegamos hasta el precioso pueblo de Cefalú en el norte de Sicilia. Durante el trayecto obtubimos unas bellas imagenes de Noemi en la cubierta del MY LIFE y que hemos ahora hemos convertido en el VIP POST de Abril.

Esperamos que os guste este adelanto de la nueva pelicula!

Os deseamos un muy feliz fin de semana!

Con amor

Noemi y Josep


VIP POST · April



Noemi, your captain's hat reminds us beauty-sensitive men who rules our feelings. 😄 You have been gifted very generously by nature, it would be a sin not to enjoy this beauty. ❤️❤️