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Hello there, people!

the community kept asking for this, and I decided to oblige. some people can't buy from c4s or prefer to pay a monthly fee and support my SFX/live-action related work, so now it's official and you will have the option to see some of these works here as well (not just as a special bonus here and there).

so, what are the changes, and what to expect?

1. 10$ tier stays the same. no changes. it will stay the main tier for all of my 3D-related works and keep receiving these as usual, with some special bonuses that I decide to distribute here and there.

2. There's a new 12$ tier: live-action SFX & VR360. this tier will get *New* SFX-epic & VR360 live-action videos. If you are joining this tier, you can expect at least one major film (SFX Epic) per month, starting around September. I'll also sprinkle VR360/Extreme POV projects as well. Some projects will be released simultaneously on Patreon & c4s, while some will get an early release on Patreon or even be exclusive to Patreon!
on top of that, from time to time, I'll post content that is not for sale anywhere else, such as behind-the-scenes, editing process glimpses, etc.

3. Please note: the new tier won't get everything SFX/VR related that I'm posting for sale on my other sites. it will get its own updates that might or might not be parallel to what I release on C4s (at the rate of 1 major SFX/month and some VR360 releases as well).

4. The 20$ tier gets a major upgrade! 20$ tier will get *All* the benefits of the new 12$ SFX tier while keeping all of the previous benefits! So if you are a fan of both my 3D & my live-action content - 20$ tier is the place to be, as you get everything that I post on Patreon for the lowest price.

take note that it will take a while to kick-start that change and to start packing up some content into that tier. also note that I have no plans on lowering my 3D-related output, and the major part of my Patreon will stay dedicated to the 3D realm. I just got a ton of new material and I aim to distribute some of it (also) through Patreon.

to those who wait for SS12: it's still aimed for September.

and here's a nice bonus for all of you! Enjoy :)




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