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So, what I've been up to, lately? well, not one thing, that's for sure, but this Animation project has been cooking in the background for 2 months or so. when I say "cooking", I mean I've been working on it, and at least 50% of my rendering power was dedicated to render scenes day and night.

Creating 3D animations was always a tedious, slow process, and that didn't changed (at least for me). now I have a much stronger (twin) pc, but my standards (and the market's...) are higher, and I found out that even when aiming to 720P, it stills takes between 10-25(!) minutes to render *each single frame*!!! yep, that means some of the 5-10 seconds shots takes between 1500 to 7500 minutes to render (!!!).

Yes, I could have made some decisions that would make this process faster (such as going for a simple HDRI lighting instead of dramatic, low light settings), but it is what it is, and I don't care how long it will take - I'll finish it, first, and than harvest the conclusions and use them on the next project.

I do this along side working on my comics, of course. at the moment, I took a side-step from the heat series and I'm starting a new comics. I'll share some soon, and it's really, really exciting! I'm not neglecting Heat! on the contrary; I think that working on a few stories might help me stay always fresh, and make people miss the stories enough to make each new release even more exciting :)

feel free to share your thoughts and opinions with me.





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