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Finally, done!

thank you for your patience, people. this one's is 144 images long and got a lot going on within.
this story is developing nicely, though I must admit unexpectedly as well. When I first created chapter I, I thought this was going to be a nice, short Sauna adventure before I'll dive into one of the "major" stories that I have in mind, but this turned out to be an epic of it's own. without revealing anything, I know where this is going and I already uncovered the ending. the next two chapters are also materializing as I write this words...good stuff is coming!

Now, I'm going to invest a little more time into Darkheart's first animation. there might be a side project I'm thinking of creating, comic-wise, between now and Heat V. we'll see how things goes.

in the meanwhile...Enjoy chapter IV! it's on its way to you via PM!

take care <3



In case you haven't been around: 






Oh dear, that escalated. Hope the poor guy gets to live D:


The ending of this saga has revealed itself to me...and it wasn't something that I expected it to be :O nuff said! :)


How do I get this?


you joined after the charging date, so you stick around until the next charge, I'll send it to all new patrons right afterwards :)


Could I get it please? o: