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Ace Of The Diamond Season 3 Episode 18 Timer Reaction

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nah why u gotta remind us that u are abt to finish this series we dont want your reactions to end too 😂😭


Great episode, loved the reaction <3

Tyler Forbes

Episodes like this are what make Ace the best sports anime to me. The journey, and drive. The amount of characters to enjoy and actually care for. Koshu is great, and his mentality is prefect for Eijun at this time and same with Eijun mentality with Koshu. Eijun right now is staring to understand the game, and what he wants to be when he is on that mound. He want's to be the Ace now because it would show he is trusted. I think it's interesting with Chris he felt got his acknowledgment and thanked him for everything, but with Miyuki he feels like he needs more and i feel this comes straight out of respect. I think I mention this a lot, but Eijun only came to Seido because of that moment with Miyuki. We see it time after time no matter how much they crack jokes, and bicker that respect for Miyuki is there. Eijun wants to be better to thank all those who pushed him towards pursing his dream of playing. Still can't believe this man use to just play with his friends on their middle school club team, and didn't think about any other possibilities until he played with Miyuki. Eijun is definetly a top 5 mc for me in all of anime. Also I'm sure you caught it in editing, but what Furuya was apologizing for was Eijun being put in with the bases loaded. Just always got to member while Furuya goals are self motivated, he does value team success and respects the players on the team. Kataoka was hit by Furuya"s journal words because it was similar to his own when he lost nationals. To be the best pitcher to make your team the best(Furuya), and prove your coach to be the best(Kataoka). He's not seeking induvial fame. You know the coach's word of the Ace feels the most responsibility isn't far off. Baseball is a game where elite batters hit about 2.8 times out of 10. If you are getting lit up, and if you can't control pitches that is on you. Pitchers play a game where they are expected to have the advantage.

Roronoa Zoro

Coach made a great decision this episode. Since his feelings about the Ace affected his decisions during the game. He threw it all away and decided to have everyone prove their spots once more. I know it was annoying to hear everything that’s been said about eijun. I think for them it’s more that eijuns performance in that last game far surpassed anything he’s done previously. His head was calm and his pitching was precise. Time for eijun to show everyone the fruits of his off season training.


I don't care what everybody says, but Lax had my same thought process on this episode - on the first watch. Perhaps people have different things to say now but in this episode, at first watch, at this moment, all of Lax's reactions are valid. It ticked me off a little when Furuya said, "I will be the best pitcher in Japan" and stuff bc of how he was atm. I'm hard rooting for Eijun and he's MC. LOL. Great reaction and speech, Lax :D


Bro, Chris really is an INSTANT cry trigger for you lmao. Boy doesn't even say anything and you're tearing up 🤣 that's how you know it's real. With knowing Koushuus story more now, you can definitely see why he reacted to Eijuns positive motivation towards Asada the way he did. He even had that flashback to his old coach while listening to Eijun talk to him. He was just a little triggered by Eijuns positivity and assumed it to be fake. Also, this season has 52 episodes and there's likely going to be a season 4 announcement this year. I dont think it'll come out this year but there's rumors of an announcement sometime soon.


Not really about to finish lol he's not even half way through the season yet 🤣


The callback to Chris is one of the best moments to me of this series. It shows the maturity of Eijun's mentality from just saying he wants to be the ace to actually learning what it means to be the ace. I also don't think that Furuya was being disrespectful to Eijun, it was him recognizing also that he was trash in that game and literally put Eijun in the worst possible situation for any pitcher, no matter how good they are, with the team losing the lead, bases loaded and with the cleanup up next. Eijun understands this as well that's why he said the it was indeed a bad game, but to Eijun, he wants to become so reliable that no matter what the situation is, they can trust him. This makes Eijun's character even better because immediately after the game he studies Mei and Taiyo and realizes what they have that he and Furuya actually doesn't know yet and that is their full identity as a pitcher and how they can actually pitch best because right now both Eijun and Furuya are still relying too much on Miyuki. So in these last few episodes it's really about defining what truly an ACE pitcher is, with how Kataoka defines it, how Chris foresaw it and how the other ACE pitchers are in other teams and that's what's exciting moving forward.

Ryan Ryan

I want to clarify something you misunderstood about Kataoka's speech. What he was saying was that a pitcher who pitches while shouldering the whole teams feelings is no less of an ace than the actual one. So he was basically giving credits to Sawamura and saying he was Seidou's actual ace in the Ichidai game. Atleast that's what I got from Furuya's reaction and Kataoka removing the jersey numbers. I could be wrong with this interpretation of the speech. Also we've all been there so I know how you feel because iras like that too. But don't give in to the Furuya hate lmaooo. I know it's easy when everybody praises him while trashing our beloved MC but he actually never did anything wrong and he's actually struggling in his own way just like Sawamura in season 2. So yeah you can do what you want but just saying Furuya is our boy too and deserves some love ^^


yeah just referring to the fact that this is the last season like he said

Richie Roberts

I really would love for you to read the record yourself reading the manga once you catch up with the anime. No spoilers here. Just would love for you to see where things end up with Sawamura and the gang in Act 2. Where the anime ends is not the end of Act 2. Where the manga ends is the end of Act 2. And TJ (The mangaka) has said that he needs a break but he would like to come back in the future and work on act 3 cause he has ideas and stories planned out for it already.

altur ayeet

I think it is more like his philosophy on what he feels an ace should be. He wasn't talking about Furuya nor Eijun just what he feels that the ace needs to carry the morale of the entire team being on off days or not regardless if they are on the mound or not. He still knows he made a mistake of keeping the ace Furuya in for too long and that is shown with him discarding the jersey numbers, in the end Pitcher relay wins games and the coach needs to know when the ace needs reliefing.


Agree, I don't understand the Furuya hate either and to me Furuya has never been disrespectful to Eijun. Yes he's competitive with him and he wants to be the best also but I never took it as disrespectful to Eijun. I actually think the story is better because of the different journey that Eijun and Furuya had to take. Not all stories need to have an overpowered MC, and in this case to me it's good that Eijun has a legitimate rival rather than just a 1 time rival like most animes and then the MC leaves them in a dust after just 1 training session.


TJ did not confirm coming back for an act 3. He said he wants to think about the future.


Thank you for saying this. From where I'm from quite a big portion of the DNA fanbase were wishing Furuya to fail in order for Eijun to get his shot, which is very sad to see. Furuya is an introveted kid who is literally only in his second year of playing proper organized team baseball. He's a bad communicator, very simple-minded and not good at seeing things strategically or planning things for his success. All he had was a gifted arm and that was solely what he's relying on. He really has a lot to learn and being put on the spotlight like this because of his outstanding talent is very cruel to a kid like him from my pov. The show is good at manipulating our emotions and creating these divides between characters, which makes it really realitstic and a good story, but I guess it's also a reflection of someone's value when I see them mindlessly hating Furuya. Eijun stan forever here, but Furuya hate is just not good :(

Sandy Garcia

Yea I thought that lax would not fall in the train of furuya hate, since he actually liked his character from the beginning but is probably just the heat of the moment while reacting. Also Im sure that furuya was not trying to disrespect eijun and instead trying to say to him "sorry that I made a mess and I make you clean it".


He doesn't hate Furuya. He's empathizing so much with Eijun that he's getting frustrated by things that frustrate Eijun too. And this Furuya is extremely hyper focused on himself and his pitching right now.


My dream now after this series is over, is that Lax and my ALL TIME FAV ANIME - HunterxHunter reaction. Though not a sports anime, I BET for real Lax gonna LOVE LOVE LOVE it. Maaaaaaan!!!


Dont tell me Lax is starting to dislike Furuya just like everyone else like its not HIS FAULT people favored him??? Like Lax isnt even reading the words hes saying.... Hes just a guy who loves baseball and tries his best why does he get so many ppl who hate him bc he has fans? Like he cant control that! Hes a humble and respectful person and never once looked down on Eijun I wish ppl can control their anger towards Furuya, like hes going through a slump just like Eijun did himself. It happens. He didnt even feel like he pitched his best that game. Everyone hyping up his nationals performance while the whole time HE is the one thinking about what he lacks, disappointed he gave up 2 runs. He never talks himself up, and its this pressure he puts on his shoulders while getting no help or guidance thats the reason he got in this slump in the first place. I would just like Lax to keep this in mind before the emotions get away from him 😅 and yesssssssss I love Koushu so much! It took this episode for me to do so but every since hes my favorite!