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Ace Of The Diamond Season 2 Episode 46 Timer Reaction

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I think no one corrected you because the way you say it is significantly closer than the way they're telling you to say it lol. It may not be exact but saying it "Kah Tay Oh Ka" is way less correct than how you say it lmao


You gotta stop expecting athletes to be taken out during an injury in a sports anime. At the end of the day its still an anime and the whole ideal of "push through the pain" sorta drives the genre xD You just gonna hurt ya self Lax lol And I mean I get it but its not like Miyuki is performing poorly outside of batting. And even then I wouldnt say "poorly" he's never done well against orthodox pitchers even at 100% and he'd only made ONE misthrow. Which is only unnatural because its MIYUKI. A normal catcher would have made multiple, to include Ono who hasnt played in a single game both this year and the last so... yeah idk about pulling him out unless we just want to lose over a "possibility" that the player himself says he can play through. Yes he didn't tell anyone initially but I firmly believe Miyuki would know when he physically cant anymore. Idk maybe I have too much faith in him too lol