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Ace Of The Diamond Season 2 Episode 19 Timer Reaction

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Honestly Ochiai an idiot in this episode. He takes something that's very easy to understand and twists it to make Kataoka sound "cruel". Not a single thing is set in stone and the idea that Sawamura will never be better than Furuya is idiotic. They're teenagers with very high ceilings. There's no telling how they will change and grow. Why would you not want ALL of your players to be as good as possible. Yes as rivals they will push eachother to be better but it works both ways and it's not Kataoka wanting Sawamura to be good specifically to make Furuya better. I dont care what people say he's really not that logical of a coach lol.

AJ Rodriguez

I see what you're saying, but I think ultimately it's a part of Ochiai's growth as a coach. He's the epitome of the hyper-utilitarian coach who sees his players in a pure asset mindset. It's true that at this level of baseball, Furuya's gift is absolutely monstrous and is the most traditional, visible route to reaching nationals. Eijun is the x-factor in comparison to Furuya and his development is filled with so much more ambiguity and isn't as clean-cut compared to Furuya. So far, Furuya's only growth has been 1. Keep your ball low in the strike zone 2. Develop the breaking ball he learned. What Eijun has had to learn to compensate for the natural advantage speed gives is incredibly unorthodox due to his skillset. It's kind of like in Haikyuu where they say "speed is amazing, but it's not invincible". So Ochiai is just thinking that speed is invincible. Ochiai is slowly having to learn about viewing his players as people too, which includes all of the nuances of being human. There was a point where he even remarked that none of his players ever came back to see him and being a little jealous of Kataoka. So all in all, Ochiai isn't necessarily wrong in how he views certain aspects of sports, but his success has been molded around this calculating mindset that has helped him efficiently get to high-level stages. If it ain't broke don'y fix it right? It's only now that he's encountered a coach like Kataoka's who seeks to build his players holistically and have their personal growth bleed into their professional growth.


Im with Lax on this one. I do hope Kuramochi joined in at the very least to help them understand each other. But even then Zono isnt trying to listen. He just wants things to go his way and scream "but youre the captain" over and over again like that proves something... It annoys me that Miyuki is the one being attacked here and everyone is acting like this is a back and forth. Like nah. This is just Zono being an asshole and Miyuki taking it. Like he doesnt disrespect him back, he doesnt yell at him, he doesnt hold any animosity at all he just sits there while Zono yells at him while trying to express his thoughts to someone who wont even listen to what he has to say. Everyone just lets it happen or walkout and leave him like he started this. Everyone expects the most talented person to have all the answers and thats just bitterness imo, especially from Zono. He literally said it upset him because he was so talented like okay bro? Talk about it with him. Talk to Nabe about. Dont just disrespect him in front of the whole team you just look jealous.