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There are a great number of people that message me in my dm's and I am not someone who responds to those often unless there is a billing issue. Majority of these messages could be posted in the community section and starting now that's what needs to be done. I also want to add that boundaries are a thing and I ask that you respect mine. If you are here for anything more than what I already share than you can leave. That may come off a bit harsh but I often forget after doing this for so long that even the most obvious things need to be said so people understand where the line is drawn. One last thing about the community section is I want you all to use it fully. I've seen countless times people that have questions will post it there and someone else from the community will have the answer because at some point I touched on whatever that question may have been. I am only one person and can only do so much so by using community section that helps me out a ton. That's it for now so I hope you all understand where I'm coming from and I want you all to enjoy the rest of your day!



Thank you for speaking your mind Lax. Gotta keep a healthy relationship with your viewers

Brandon Hart

Also I vote more people utilize the discord if y'all want to chat more. It isn't as active as it could be with how big the "audience" is