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Heyo! Edit: This is not for suggesting parings. I want a single suggested class to a comment. The paring will be decided later by way of poll.

Oh hey, the title is different! What does it mean? It means I'm not accepting random prompts this time and instead I've got a prompt and I want you all to fill in the blanks. The prompt is "High Level Fight Between Two Nonstandard Classes". Note, when I say high level, I mean very skilled so archmage, not a level 100 mage. Also, when I say classes, I don't actually plan to use a "System" in the story, rather, that is just an easy way to explain what I want. And when I say Nonstandard, I mean if the class would be seen as one that is at least expected to be able to fight, I don't want it. This means saying archmage won't work, though you could be specific on what kind of magic said archmage is limited to.

The plan for the poll is that I will choose the more popular class suggestions, plus any I particularly like, and throwing them all into the poll (so more than three options, not that I technically ever limited the prompts to 3) and allowing people to vote multiple times. I of course can't stop you from voting for literally every options, but your more likely to get what you want if you limit the number you vote for.

Anyway, I hope to see some really creative nonstandard classes. Oh, and next month things will go back to normal. I just really wanted to give this a shot. Oh, and if you're going to make multiple suggestions, please limit it to five and post each suggestion as a new comment and not a reply to your previous suggestion. Also, while not a hard rule, I will try to collect suggestions from multiple people over just picking all five that Rory suggests.

This is not


Andrew Meyers

How about an accountant that has gotten into taming anteaters for a hobby? Nobody would ever expect someone like that to fight, even if they happened to insist they were a 'lion' tamer.

Andrew Meyers

Or something really silly like a farming supplies vendor, who happens to specialize in manure. A real shit-thrower, who can make literal shit-storms.

Andrew Meyers

Could also be a seamstress, throwing needles and thread and fabric to bind, impale, and cut.

Andrew Meyers

Or even a fishmonger, hurling fish and his processing tools and fish parts. Definitely not a combat class, but could hold his own against rowdy customers.

Carl Mason

Non standard classes? We talking Bricklayer, Stone Mason, Sculptor type stuff or more along the lines of Beggar, Thief-king, Actor type stuff? Having a site scuffle between a Carpenter and a Stone -Mason/Bricklayer would be fun. Just any unexpected combatant?


Ok some other classes that might be fun would be a butler, a professor, or maybe a gardener.

Carl Mason


Carl Mason


Carl Mason

Pastry Chef/Baker


wayfarer (so high level teleport specialist (non-combat) mage)

Sean Quinn

Butler vs. courier

Sean Quinn

seamstress vs. leatherworker

Sean Quinn

miner vs. potter

Sean Quinn

jeweler vs. weaver

Sean Quinn

mad cobbler vs. mad hatter


@Sean Quinn -- its name a class per line, not a match up