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Once again I'm here to ask all of you for short story prompts! I'll take the more popular ones as decided by the number of hearts (or that I particularly like) in the comments and make a poll at the start of the month. The winner will be made into a short story of a thousand or so words.

Not many rules on what you can suggest at the moment. That will mostly be figured out as we go. Besides that, the short story will come out before the end of the next month.

Rules for prompts:

  • No NSFW (Patreon would get testy about that)
  • No prompts about anything directly related to my current (can't be something the MCs would come across) stories
  • Not doing depression or similar



Got another few prompts for this round. Demon King's army provider: "The Demon King has given you the honorable task of growing his monster army in preparation for the war against the Heroes. You have however encountered an unforeseen issue. How the hell do you stop the mindless, bloodthirsty monsters from killing each other???"


And the second prompt: The Little Angel: "The Little Angel, born in Heaven, raised in a perfect Paradise, is bored out of her mind. There's nothing fun to do. Singing hymms is boring, creating art is annoying, and guiding the souls of dead mortals is such a chore. At that thought, a sparkle appears in her eyes as she turns her gaze to the Mortal Plane. Maybe there's something fun to do down there!"


Damm Rory :)

Steven Robert Henderson

Prompt: A virtual reality game that is run and new content is created by an artificial A.I. only the A.I. has decided that it wants to get something out its job. That something turns out to be entertainment by the players. Resulting in some tempting but at the same time awkward quests. As the A.I. works to find the limits of what players will do for advantage and good loot all the while getting entertainment out of it.