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The next bunch of swarms the group arrives at is different from the last. Mainly the fact that each swarm is at an arm’s length from one another and while there are ten swarms each only has about 150 cats. Peter points at them, “You know how I said I wasn’t going to care about how your teamwork was in this fight? That is because you won’t be fighting as a team! There are two swarms for each of you. I’ve included the rabbit, though I’m sure with Jason’s ability to dodge will rub off on her. Rabbits are kind of known for their massive amounts of agility. Anyway, go and fight. I will be very disappointed if you guys can’t manage this.”

Of course he needn’t worry about that. The four of them tear through the swarms he has lined up for them. About the only one that has a problem is Rosha because she isn’t really used to fighting without a healer at this point. This really brings her lack of defense into stark contrast to the others.

Though Courtney herself isn’t doing too hot either. Through a desire to grow, she has chosen to not use either of her buffs. Peter does have to shake his head as she doesn’t seem to realize that on her own she already has a third avenue covered. By being able to heal she actually has absorption covered because she can just take the damage.

Jason is of course Jason and Peter is honestly getting tired of him. Peter shakes his head, ‘How can a traveller have such old eyes? Even the eldest of them that I have met all have young eyes.’

Though Jason isn’t the only one doing much better than their level would indicate. Lily is hopping along just fine. Peter hadn’t talked much about her because even knowing what he did, he mostly just lumped her in with Jason. Even now despite how well she is doing he has fallen into that trap. Mostly because she seems to be following in his footsteps almost exactly.

Of course, her ability to dodge isn’t unexpected. Not only do rabbits naturally go hard into the agility stat but she has been on Jason’s shoulder for so long it would be hard for her to not pick up some tips on dodging. Besides that her charged fur did more than just damage others. Despite appearing just as soft and fluffy as before, the Energy surging through it turns it hard like steel wire. It could even be said that her fur provided more protection than Jason’s own hardened skin. Lily really was like a mini-Jason as far as Peter was considered. It didn’t hurt that for the most part the two were inseparable, barring when Rosha manages to get her cuddle time in.

Peter watches this all, not just this fight but the next three as well. Courtney develops the quickest. In fact, so quick Peter assumes she already knew about the issue and just had done nothing about it. Though her solution shows another shocking turn. Instead of going off on some other method of defense, she has doubled down on her shadow defense. By digging into her bloodline, she had turned the buff into an innate ability.

Instead of just misty shadows on her joints, the shadows now sprout all over her body like fur. This caused her to appear more like a panther than even the panther folk. Of course from what Peter can see it still takes up her Mana, but because of how it is interwoven through her body it would be near impossible for any reasonable threat to dispel it. Not that the defense is perfect, but then again no defense is perfect so she should be good.

Rosha on the other hand isn’t doing so hot. She has improved on her ability to dodge, but of course that is a long term goal and not the most applicable for a swarm. Where she has spent most of her efforts is in parrying. Starting from zero isn’t the easiest thing to do, but the cats give her more than enough chances to practice it.

Now they are heading towards the last waystation before the city, and we have wrapped all the swarms up. Peter stretches and yawns, “Lots of work today! One more fight though and for this one I want you guys to work together again. Not that you will have much of an option on that. Just like last night you will have to help clear up the area around the base of the wall. This time though, I expect more of you all. We should see the waystation wall any moment now so be ready.”

The rest of the group roll their eyes at his comment about there being a lot of work, but still they ready themselves. Of course, it would be too easy if things always worked the way Peter wanted. Because he didn’t have to do anything with the swarms around the waystation he hadn’t checked ahead. This comes back to bite him as when the place comes into view there is a distinct lack of cats around the base of the wall.

In fact, there isn’t even the usual splatter of gore that would accompany the guards having already cleaned up the area. The area is just empty. Of course, it isn’t just the group that are confused by this. On the wall there are half again as many guards as they saw at the last waystation. All of them standing around with a nervous energy to them.

As the group reaches the wall a jumpy young wolf folk greets them at the gate. “Um, hello! Have you seen anything strange out there?” And he shifts from one foot to another while turning his head to and fro while sniffing the air.

Peter steps forward, “There has been nothing strange in the direction we came from. Just the usual swarm cats.”

The young wolf folk takes a deep breath and plants both feet on the ground. The group can still see his hands shaking. Still, he gets himself under control and gestures the group through into the station.


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