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Rosha and Jason are sitting around the dead campfire when Courtney re-enters the game. They look at her expectantly and she sighs, then explains what she had found out. Rosha in particular asks a number of pointed questions about the looks and habits for each monster.

The leaf walkers interest her. It is a plant that mimics the walking stick insect, which mimics a stick and leaves. The creatures form when a tree experiences a spike in mystical energy. To prevent negative mutations it will push the excess power into an old branch which will then break off and come alive.

Most other forests rarely have them unless something major happens. Of course this forest has some odd nonsense going on and so they are much more common here. The plant monsters are overall non-violent with a preference of standing still and absorbing the power in the air. A perfect monster for Lily to practice on. Especially when, despite their magical origins, the leaf walker lacks any powered attack. Instead, relying entirely on physical attacks to defend itself.

Rosha nods her head, “now we just have to find a couple for Lily to play with.”

Courtney shrugs, “that will be hard. Unlike the insect, these things are literally just a twig and some leaves. Though if any of us are going to spot one you would be it. But we really do need to get moving. With how the day has gone, we will probably only travel half the distance we expected. Good thing I added some wiggle room to the schedule.”

Jason frowns, “when did we have a schedule? I thought we were just adventuring.”

Courtney laughs, “well yes, but no. If you two had wanted to just head off in a random direction and travel till something happens we definitely could have. Instead, you both chose a destination.”

She is about to say more but Rosha pokes her cheek, “No we didn’t. You’re revising history there a little bit, don’t you think? Might I remind you that while our plan was basically that you stepped in and changed it. Our current goal is a certain elven kingdom because there is a kitsune tribe with a variant spell you wanted.”

“Not that I am against it, mind you. At least we do have a purpose for our travels at the moment. However, I know how you act when in charge of my schedule. Don’t think I am going to let you start to micromanage my game time!”

Courtney rubs her cheek and pouts, “but you always procrastinate so much if someone isn’t keeping you on track!”

Rosha rolls her eyes, “I get what needs done, done. My schoolwork was never late once!”

Jason claps, “Now I don’t want to get in between you two and your old couples argument, but a little structure isn’t a terrible thing. Courtney hasn’t really done much yet to push us in one way or another on the trip. I think we give her a chance to keep track of our travels. Rosha, you know she would do it anyway, right?”

Rosha sighs, “she is the person in charge of all my irl stuff.”

Courtney nods, “and this is an argument as old as our relationship. Right from when I met her at five, her parents have pushed me towards keeping her in line.”

Jason nods, “there we go. Now I feel it is an agreeable thing to at least keep track of where we are. If we end up being in here a month longer than expected, I want to know about it and why. If not for Courtney, I bet we wouldn’t even realize it. So let’s get a move on. While I don’t mind losing the entire day, I don’t want to rest in the same campsite two nights in a row. Who knows what might decide to come check us out because we stayed too long.”

The others are going to speak up but with a grin Jason interrupts them, “also I noticed neither of you denied the old couples comment.” And he takes off at a jog. Behind him Courtney blushes fiercely while Rosha chases after him, yelling incoherently.

This calms down soon enough and the day passes peacefully. Rosha doesn’t see any of the plant monsters, though she spots a few other low level monsters. Nothing that Lily could fight, if only because they would run away. Night passes as well.

Courtney uses her sleep time to compile all the info that the research group had. This was the real breakthrough as the group provided a number of examples for Rosha to look over later that night. With one last check, she packages up everything Rosha needs and sends it off. That done, she logs back into the game to finish her night’s sleep.

When Jason wakes her up later to take her shift, Courtney feels a bit bad. But from plenty of childhood experience she knows that Rosha didn’t check her messages. With a sigh, she goes over to Rosha and shakes her awake.

Rosha cracks her eyes open, “sun not up, sleep now.”

Courtney pats her head, “you didn’t check your messages again.”

Rosha tries to turn away, “just sleep now.”

Courtney shakes her head and rolls her back over, “you want to help Lily, don’t you? I sent you a message that will help you spot the plant monsters.”

Rosha rubs her eyes, “hate you.”

Courtney rubs her head, “no you don’t, silly. You just hate early mornings. Now I have to get around to my watch. I will be disappointed if you just go back to sleep.”

Rosha falls back onto her bedding, “I know when I’m beat. Go do your watch. [System, log me out].” And her body goes limp as it transfers her consciousness to her waiting room to look over whatever Courtney had sent her.

Courtney giggles at Rosha’s antics. She really does not like being awake early in the morning. It does make her wonder why she is willing to take the early morning shift. Courtney can only shrug and continue her watch.


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