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War Stomp

A classic powered kick attack. Despite the tendency for people to use Qi the skill can be used with any type of resource pool. The different power sources will cause different effects to happen and so the possibilities of this skill are technically unlimited.

Novice Level 3 - 21.3%

Rarity: Common

Type: Primal Energy Attack


  • Primal Simplicity - Through uncountable iterations the creator of this skill has reduced it to the most simple form which allows for an impressive speed of use
  • Inheritance - This version of the skill was personally learned from the creator and there is a possibility of others being able to recognize this, however the skill is easier to advance because of the more in-depth teaching you received
  • Potential - The creator of this skill does not believe in perfection and so it will grow with the user, more so than other skills
  • Otherworldly - The first of the main runes of this skill is based on knowledge and shapes from outside of NeoRealm which makes deciphering the skill harder with System skills
  • Banked Spiral - The second of the main runes of this skill is a simple spiral and this simplicity allows it to direct the power more efficiently than others would expect and the skill needs less power as a result
  • Core Sensibility - The third and final of the main runes of this skill is the users own core rune which provides a very personal touch and means the attack will never harm the user no matter the size or power of it
  • Variable Attack -
    • Never Ending Threads - When the skill is used with Energy the attack will shatter into thousands of threads which will continue to shred the target until an opposing power wears it down
    • Runic Bloom - When the skill is used with Stamina a flower bud rune will bloom outward causing the razor sharp petals to slice through the target and when finished the bloom will wilt and any wounds in contact with the petals will become harder to heal


Jason can only let out a long drawn out whistle when the skill pops for him. It had seven different effects, one of which had sub effects. His cultivation technique had six effects at the moment, but that came from gradual accretion as he worked on it. War stomp had nowhere to go but up from here.

The trainer takes a look over his shoulder and nods, “You got a few good options there. That otherworldly one is lovely. Then again, it might just be because I enjoy messing with the technical fighters who dissect their opponent's skills. Seriously, where’s the fun in trying to put everything into numbers? The System already does that for us!”

With a shrug Jason turns back to the skill window. “So we have already gone over how I’ve gotten a few special effects from having done some things with my Energy and Stamina. You also mentioned that when you first use the skill with a power source it locks in. Should I wait until something special has happened with my other stats before I try it out with them?”

The trainer stops her rant about min maxing nonsense fighters and turns to him, “Well yes but don’t let that kill you. See my previous rant. If you just try to get the best out of everything, the fun and adventure will soon drain out of it if you aren’t that type of person. No matter how much I hate them, those guys who enjoy it are amazing but you don’t seem the type.”

“Also using a new source at climatic moments is a tempting gamble as the situation can fuel it as well. Some idiot with the public version of the skill ended up wiping out an entire army by himself when he channeled the last dregs of his life into it. He just stomped the ground and everything exploded. Stupid choice though. That wasn’t the only army and his kingdom was still doomed. Would have been better if he had stayed alive to try and improve their circumstances after the defeat.” And she shrugs, “anyway, get back to training. You’re only a novice and I want you to get it to initiate rank before our time is done. You only have another two nights left.”

Jason blinks, “goodness, we only have two more nights?”

She shrugs, “Time flies when you’re having fun. Plus you seemed to grind yourself down to a nub there.”

“Wait a second”, Jason looks up at her, “how would you know that?”

The trainer laughs, “You think someone gets to my level without learning a few tricks? The second you showed up here I had tracked you down and monitored you. Now don’t assume I will keep that up. Once we are done here, you’re on your own. The System doesn’t like us top dogs watching our trainees too closely. Got to let you all make your own mistakes.”

Jason sighs, “Of course you tracked me down. What’s the point of godlike power if you can’t take advantage of it?”

She laughs, “Gods wish they had my power!” Then she sighs, “Of course I wish I had some of their power as well. Everyone has their own niche in the world. Not that I want the responsibility that comes along with their power nor the restrictions on it. Once I am done with you and leaving a few other legacies stashed around, I will leave this world. A god is intrinsically bound with their world of origin. At least that is how it works under the System. Who knows what it will be like if I ever find somewhere beyond it.”

Jason looks down and thinks for a moment, “So, outside of the System you say?”

The trainer rolls her eyes, “When you get to my level of power, and no I don’t mean the literal level, you learn some things. I know you travellers come from a place without the System. That means it isn’t the end all be all of reality. Don’t think it isn’t possible here. I’ve heard rumors that if you go far enough and reach high enough, you can escape it. Now get back to training!”


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