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For a good while now I have had 'Blocked Paths, Open Future' bubbling away on the back burner. My schedule has finally allowed me a little time to work on it after writing the weekly chapters for NR (NeoRealm). I have 5 unedited chapters finished at the moment and will probably start releasing them here in a little bit.

My plans for that are to change up my tiers a little bit. As it is you get quite a few NR chapters. I wont change that or the cost of it. Rather I plan to add 2 more tiers on top of it after I start to release the chapters publicly (until then BPOF content will just go out to Patrons in general). There will be another $5 tier and my current one for NR will have a name change. Probably something like NR early access and BPOF early access.  This is so I can add my other novel and not change prices. If someone wants early access to both novels that will be the other new tier. I am thinking that at $7 you can get access to everything. Any opinions on this would be welcome.

Besides the tier stuff there is a bit to talk on about BPOF. I have released some chapters here before. However everything has been re-written and I am happier with it now. What was a couple prologues and a couple chapters is now 5 chapters. I have noticed that even when prologues are important more people than I would like skip them. Now the info that was in the prologues have been written to be a part of the story. Not that they weren't before but it is better now. As I said above these chapters will be released here soon (need to edit them). They will not be a part of the tier system and just be for Patrons in general as I don't want to change the tiers up until I have something to put into the new tiers. Before I release the chapters to the public I want to have a good 10 or so chapters lined up. Mostly so I can saturate the new releases on RR with a chapter every hour or so. I even considered splitting up the chapters into parts so I can get more bang for my buck. Not sure about that though. Going to ask on the RR forums later most likely.

Other than that I accidentally made my MC and the ghostly font of knowledge tropes connect to Journey to the West? Yeah that's a thing. The dead grandpa in a magic item has monkey feet and while it isn't in the story yet the MC will be training a boar related cultivation technique. Now all I need is a monk and a water buffalo to complete the set. Not. The boar thing comes from non-eastern mythological origins. Including the meaning behind the boar on heraldry (intrepidness and never giving up) and myths of things like the Calydonian boar and Gullinbursti (the god Freyr's golden-bristled boar, found a lot of names for it). Basically the core of the MC is that he is solid and enduring. His name comes from it (Ethan, a name of Hebrew origin that means firm, strong and long-lived). His cultivation will focus on it (I was basically just googling for myths about enduring animals and boars came up a bit). There was other animals of course but a lot of them have already been done. Probably someone has done boars as well but I haven't read those books yet so I can put my own spin on it without being unduly affected by an outside source. I was actually thinking of doing elephants at first then I started reading all about mammoths that can crush the hells and shied away from it.


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