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I have a character that will be coming along in the future who will be mentioned soon. I don't have a name for her yet and figured since there are multiple Patrons I should let you all suggest something. While I don't want to spoil anything I will give a few keywords to work off of when thinking of names for her. While I don't mind more 'classical' gamer tags please avoid 1337 speak and actual numbers

Healer, Shadows, Short, Easy Going, Illusions



I would suggest something but I’m terrible at coming up with names


I don't know if your still looking but continuing the flower names you could do Zinnia. It has an interesting meaning and one plant growing site says it has an "easy-to-grow nature" which might go well with easy going.


Some other suggestions from putting you keywords in behind the name. Courtney - short or short nosed Senka - shadow Maya - Illusion