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Yes a double release! More specifically this is because I am changing it so I have chapters become public here a week before it is up on RoyalRoad. This is to hopefully attract more people here.

The wait for the trial to start doesn’t take long, and he leads the group into the courtroom. Once in they get to look around as everyone is being settled. Most of this time, though, is because the wolfkin they are here to testify against is making a ruckus. Finally, one of the court mages has to silence him. The group just ignore his threats as they compare the room to what they expected.

First thing to stand out is that there isn’t any spot for a jury. Expected as that isn’t a thing most places in NeoRealm but still a shock. The next biggest differences is that the only court officials are a trio of mages, one of which will take the role of the judge. While not all trials will have this such an important one causes them to take no chances. Because this involves an ambassador the head judge had teleported out here specifically to deal with the mess. While no one in town knows his level there isn’t any doubt, he should be the strongest being within not only this town but the next few closest towns.

Besides that the room looked oddly cozy. Where most of the courthouse is made of gray stone, someone clad this room in wood. The floor a rich chocolatey brown and the walls being a more vibrant brown that edged closer to a red. It all seemed almost alive. Though before they can take a closer look everyone has settled down and the mage to the judges left starts introducing the case. “Hello everyone, I am the High Magi Doon, my partner prefers to stay nameless, and presiding over today's case we have Alve the Grand Magi, Lord of the Royal Forest, known as the Sage of Wood. The case brought before us is a situation that is sadly common. One group has been accused by another of trying to poach their beginner boss. However, if it was just that we would not be here. This case involves the son of an ambassador with a history of dodging earlier charges through what I must say is a shocking number of deaths and disappearances. Luckily this time the witnesses stayed around long enough to bring their case to court.”

At this point the head judge Alve takes over, “To start I will state straight up I will not drop this case.” and with a pointed look at the ambassador, “No matter what may be offered for us to do so nor even if the witnesses manage to disappear and come back desiring to to do so. It has been brought to the attention of the council of kings that the development of this starter town is being affected by such incidences. Our personal Traveller advisor has even been able to straight up state that the town is getting a bad reputation on their side. While Shine Fish village isn’t one of our main starter towns we do not have enough on our borders as is.”

Head judge Alve now nods towards the nameless man who continues, “Now we know there is a Church of Truth in this town. However, they freely admitted to having a bias against the accused and were instrumental to getting out witnesses here in one piece. With that in mind I will be in charge of the truth spells. Also, because of the seriousness of the case we will bring up many earlier cases in which we have documentation of the many dead accusers testimonies taken by the Church of Truth.”

At this the ambassador stands up in a huff, “Now see here, I don’t care what you think my boy did but those cases are closed! In fact”, A slight flash and he is silenced as well.

Alve just shakes his head at him, “You clearly don’t understand how much trouble your progeny has caused", and he takes out a slip of paper. The whole court falls silent as the paper seems to emanate a palpable aura. Alve then puts the paper away before continuing, “That for those who haven’t experienced it before is a writ of investigation signed personally by the local king. While the aura of command it has should be enough for anyone who has seen similar before if anyone has any doubts they may come and personally check it.” He waits for a few moments though no one steps forward. “Good, now what that paper gives me the right to do is if this case proves your child guilty we Will dig up those old cases. The laws and rules of an Empire are important but sometimes you need to break a few eggs to make an omelet. In the normal course of things we don’t allow a retrial if proven innocent. However, we don’t even need to really break that rule as your son Hasn’t been proven innocent to these cases. They never went to trial in the first place. Just feel lucky we don’t plan to ask you about the removal of witnesses in consideration for your position.” The ambassador slumps over in defeat. He seems to realize that higher powers have already decided the case would go through and nothing he could do would stop it.

Alve smiles slightly at this before pounding his gavel to once again silence the court. “Now let’s get this show on the road. You three witnesses, we already have your transcribed reports but as is custom a restating of them is needed. First let’s have the dwarf, James, come up to the stand.” James nods and goes up. Once there, the unnamed man asks his permissions to cast a truth spell on him. After he grants permission it all goes about the same as when they were questioned back at the temple. The three of them tell their stories one by one until finally it is time for the wolfkin brat to take the stand.


Things I wanted to mention but didn’t:
Magi is a term used in NeoRealm for wise men with great magical power. While they don’t have to belong to some organization most do. It is just easier to get enough recognition for the System to give them the title. However this does mean that a lone Magi will be a force to reckon with. While being a strong magic user isn’t required to have the title few manage the title without enough power to prevent themselves from being in some way ‘taken care of’.
Now if Magi is the title for wise magicians then is there titles for other forms of powerful wise men? Of course! A martial master gets the title of Sage and someone who is just wise yet still manages to get to higher levels is a Philosopher. Other professions will have their own titles however the more specific the less likely (a weapon master is more likely to become a Sage then a sword master who is more likely to be referred to by their skill level).


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