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As the group waits for the guard James goes over their current situation, “So they know we managed to get here despite the goons. Likely next time they will have better idiots to try and catch us. The only thing we got on them at the moment is they shouldn’t know our next step.”

“True but I don’t trust the guards here to not be in their pocket.”

Rosha quirks her head, “Well then we just have to make sure no one else hears our destination. Our biggest problem might be getting the captain to go along with it. After all, he might trust his guards on the wall.”

Jason sighs, “I really don’t want him to consider us obnoxiously paranoid. Having a good connection here will at least be a nice reference when ever we head out to bigger places.”

James nods in agreement, “Well there isn’t really anything we can do till he gets here”

After the group falls to silence time passes. About half an hour later they see a group of guards approaching with a stout dwarf at the front leading them. The dwarfs uniform looking almost like the others except for a few medals. Across his back a large axe meant to be wielded with two hands can be seen as he turns and talks to some of the guards at attention along the wall. Clearly this is the person they are here to see.

When the dwarf reaches the station, it is clear he is ignoring the group. Rosha looks like she is going to speak up but both James and Jason put a hand on her shoulder to stop her. As this is happening the dwarf goes around to each of the guards. Occasionally pointing out something out of place or wrong but never spending but a few moments on each. Soon he is done with the 10 or so guards currently at the station. Then he turns to our group, “Aye, nice to see some people have a bit of patience. I never know when it comes to you Traveller types. Especially the ones that Andrew sends my way. Now from my understanding you’ve got a note for me as well as being potential solutions to that flea-bitten wolfkin Dale and his insufferable get out of jail free card?”

The group share a look and with a nod from the others James steps forward, “We do have a note for the guard captain and as soon as you provide proof of your identity we will gladly hand it over. Our trip was less than trouble free as it seems some people don’t want us to be in town a few days from now.”

The dwarf barks out a laugh, “Hahahaha, so young and you're already doubting the world. Good on ya. I’ve had enough notes meant for my eyes only end up in the hands of others. Luckily it isn’t like we send anything truly important in such an easy to intercept way.”

James raises his eyebrow, “Id sir?”

With a glint in his eye the dwarf beckons them over to [Observe] his badge. It seems they passed some sort of test. After checking the badge a system message pops up informing that the dwarf is Rosswood Bronzebeard and the Captain of the Guard for the town. The captain seems to get a notification himself about the badge being observed. Once everyone has looked, he beckons them to an office, “Call me Ross. Anway come into this office and we can get down business.”

Following him in the group is greeted by a very dull room. The walls and floor are bare stone. Off in the corner is a coat rack of sorts that is clearly meant to hold more heavy duty equipment. Dominating the center is a desk and a hard-backed chair. While made of wood they are clearly meant to last above anything as silly as comfort or aesthetics.

After confirming the group followed him in Ross sits at the desk and folds his hands, “Now you had a message for me?”

James takes out the message but before passing it to him looks at the door and back to the captain, “Before we finish this quest and get info on what's next my group has a worry. On the way here we go intercepted quite quickly. When we did finally arrive here one of the people just hanging around the station slinked off. Do you have anyway to guarantee our conversation stays between us?”

Ross quirks his head, “While I could trust my troops with my life I can see where you are coming from. Especially when dealing with an enemy with a lot of political clout behind them. Sadly we are not at the guards headquarters or else we would be in my personal office. There I have magic formations and other such tricks to keep our secrets close. Instead I can get someone to watch the door and keep people away. The person has a lot of my trust but I guess you do never know. Sadly it's either that or just hoping no one listens at the door.”

James looks back at the others. Both Jason and Rosha kind of shrug. It isn’t like they have a better suggestion so James gives Ross the go ahead. With that the captain leaves the room for a moment before coming back with a middle aged human. After the human takes up a position outside the room, the captain goes back to his seat and gestures at the note.

James hands the letter over, receiving the coppers promised by the quest. Ross after receiving the note opens it and takes a glance at it, “Yep, about what I expected. Just a moment”, and he takes a piece paper out before scribbling something on it quickly, “There we go. Now your group can take this new note over to the local church of truth. When you get there they will want you to sign some legal paperwork stating you permit them to question you under a truth spell for legal purposes. Yes I see those looks, we have paperwork like that. Now get a move on. Even without my troops or nearby scum tipping them off you will likely get intercepted on the way there.”

Quest Update

  • Having delivered Andrews letter to the Guard Captain you are now tasked with delivering another note. This time to the Church of Truth. Once there you will be forced to face the bane of all adventurers, paperwork.
  • Goal: Deliver the Guard Captain’s note to the Church of Truth and sign some paperwork
  • Reward: a few coppers and the next step to the quest.


Things I wanted to mention but didn’t:
One thing the system has provided that would make the real world oh so much better is easily confirmed Ids. They can even be restricted to when they can be used. This means a guard can only use his badge on duty and everyone can at a glance confirm it. People still do the usual counterfeit badges and such. However they only work on those who don’t get to actually [Observe] it. This is actually more often used by officials to make their forces look bigger. Hire a few outsiders for your big parade and give them fake badges. If you just fill the center of your formations with them then the populace likely won't get a chance to check the badges.


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