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Greetings! Salutations! Hello!

We’re here with another Development Update, so listen up, screwheads.

It’s no secret that we’ve been pretty quiet lately. Not so much by choice, we’ve just been fairly busy with things IRL. But that doesn’t mean that we’ve been ignoring the development of the game. I’d argue we’ve actually laid a lot of ground for the future of this project.

After Pre-TLC Kung Fu XXX was scrapped, we had to look back at some of the things we liked and didn’t like. Of those things, combat was really lacking; consisting of clicking the same button over and over again to continue. To fix this, we decided to do a huge overhaul with how we’re doing the combat. We still have Attack, Defend, Special, Consumable, and Pass Move, but we’re bringing more moves into the mix and adding different Status Effects that can buff, debuff, or stun, depending on the move used. There’s also Effects that can occur from an event prior to combat, as well as Effects based on the state of a character’s clothing.

Among the additions to the combat, Stamina and Perks are things we’ve decided to introduce to the fighting of Kung Fu XXX. Attacks and Defends cost Stamina, while Special moves cost Qi. Perks allow characters to gain a unique edge on their opponents, ranging from a buff to your evasion to an increase in damage during night combat. The ins and outs of Status Effects, Player Moves, Stamina, and Perks are all to be explained in the Tutorial.

This time around, the Tutorial is much more intuitive, cinematic, and rewarding. Pre-TLC’s Tutorial essentially just threw you into a fight and then once you won, it explained how your stats worked. Pretty lame. With the new one, you can expect something much more dynamic. At this point in time, we’ve completely planned the Tutorial. In order to program the Tutorial, I needed to work on the combat system, which is close to being finished (I’d say 65-75% done). Mind you, this is just a skeleton for the combat since we still have to define different moves and make the art for each character.

One thing we opted for was larger character sprites. The ones from before the TLC were very small and your only chance of seeing what was going on was through the short cutscene that would appear during a Special move. We’ve decided to instead have the character sprites be the focus, while keeping the short cutscene windows for unique situations, like Boss Fights.

I think that just about covers the Tutorial. As I’ve said before, we’re dividing this game into multiple Parts and Chapters, ordered as follows:

  • Introduction
  • (Tutorial)
  • Part I:
    Chapter 1
    Chapter 2
    Chapter 3
    Chapter 4
    Chapter 5
  • Part II:
    Chapter 1
    Chapter 2
    Chapter 3
    Chapter 4
    Chapter 5
  • Part III:
    Chapter 1
    Chapter 2
    Chapter 3
    Chapter 4
    Chapter 5
  • Conclusion
  • Epilogue/DLC

And speaking of the story, Ghostgunner has finished writing the entirety of Part I's first Chapter’s Main Quests and Side Quests. Of course, we still need to do rough drafts of them in separate projects like we did with Indecent Exposure, but the ideas are all there. There are a few other things we need to do, like come up with Story Events (e.x. Tigress allowing you to see her topless for the first time), Game Over screens, and spitball some ideas for Favor variations.

Another thing on the list of things we’ve achieved this month is re-formatting the Patreon. I’ve adjusted the tiers to have more for everyone while keeping the $5 tier as the “hotspot” essentially. Those on the $5 tier get access to polls. Not only for the monthly art, but also for decisions that Ghost and I would like input on. That, coupled with no delay in builds makes the $5 tier seem like the “most bang for your buck” tier, in my opinion. Of course, the other tiers are nice and all have access to Dev Posts now.

Some things we’d like to focus on for next month would be posting art, having something for you guys to play, and posting dialogue and story examples. In regards to art, I intend on doing two pics every month. One of the pics will be Dev’s choice (Ghost and I get to decide) and the other pic will be focused on a character chosen by $5+ patrons through the use of polls. When I set up the poll, whichever characters were drawn the previous month, as well as the character Ghost and I choose, will not be on the poll. This way we can avoid having Tigress 5 months in a row. That being said, I’m still going to keep Tigress on December’s poll since I never specified this during the last poll. Dev’s choice for December is Tamaja (although we don’t have a scenario agreed upon yet). So expect the poll to be sans Tamaja.

For December, we intend on having the two monthly art pics, as well as more posted dialogue and story glimpses for you higher tier patrons. Alongside those things, we’re also striving for our first release, done similarly to Indecent Exposure (placeholder drawings coupled with fully functioning story deliverance). Once we’ve finished that, we can delve into trying to get some actual art set in stone.

That being said, Ghost and I hope you guys have had an awesome November. Ours was certainly interesting. Feel free to give us your input on the Discord server and see ya in the next Dev Post.



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