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My bachelorette and why I might seem a bit down the last few days!

Last night of freedom was a disaster and disappointment 🙃 I think the night in general may not have been so heartbreaking if it wasn’t for such a milestone event haha

I went to a male entertainment show and it was just the worst experience of my life. Didn’t get what I paid for. Couldn’t get the same strength drink as some of the girls in my bridal party had and I had to get them to order me drinks which I think is fricken embarrassing to begin with. We purchased a bottomless cocktail package and got absolutely no cocktails 🙃 I went first on stage and it was the least interesting lap dance of the whole show. They told me I can go up again to then fill me with false hope that the night would improve but then tell me no now they are busy and I can’t go twice and made me walk back to my seat in the dark but then as soon as I was back to my seat they bring the same girl with a bride dress (similar to mine) back on stage and then asked my friend to go up spontaneously who then got a 15 minute lap dance compared to my 5. That friend got the experience that I wanted and all of the attention and it ended up feeling like her night. My friends got all these awesome photos and pictures with topless waiters and my one photo is the guy looking off into the distance completely bored. Then after the show finished me and my friend wanted to go to the toilets to freshen up for the club and they said to us to get out the show was over and to go to a public toilet. So much happened where I tried to interact with them and they had condescending remarks and made me feel like I wasn’t good enough to have a half way decent dance or drink.

When the show ended I tried to lift my spirits up but nothing could make me stop crying it was such a triggering and emotional journey because within getting to the club feeling amazing and ready for a fun night to walking out in tears it just really ruined what I thought was going to be the most amazing night with all of my friends.

I know in hindsight I will laugh about it and it’ll be fine but for now it’s so raw and fresh that I feel so fat and ugly that I wasn’t even worth a glance and it’s low key effecting my sex life haha 😆




This is genuinely astounding 💔


That’s some real BS. I’m sorry that happened to you. I hope you gave them a piece of your mind the next day.


Thankyou! I am quite a sensitive soul one of my friends sent them an email and we are still waiting for a response that we probably won’t get xx