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Because it’s my birthday tomorrow I’ve decided to post on a Sunday instead of tomorrow ☺️

And todays post is gonna be 28 facts about me because well… I’ll be 28 😇 how crazy though I don’t feel 28 haha 😆

1. I have pcos meaning I am now dairy free, gluten free and sugar free.

2. My favourite superhero is now officially Spider-Man but I used to loooooove iron man.

3. I am currently craving Cinnabon but we only have one store in my state so that’s difficult.

4. I love to read books but I think we all knew that.

5. I’m a 14G in bra size however I also fit really well into 14H but I’m in denial and like to think I’m a g haha..

6. I want to be married with kids by the time I’m 30 haha at this rate this may not happen

7. I want to go back to America and also Japan soon!

8. I have been running this page for ages now and am so eternally grateful for the support.

9. My favourite colour is pink pretty sure everyone knows that too.

10. I feel prettiest in jeans and a cute top I don’t know what it is but I feel awkward in dresses like I don’t look pretty or something how strange haha.

11. I enjoy the countryside sometimes way more than the city. The hustle and bustle sometimes gives me anxiety.

12. I sometimes miss my big Instagram account. I feel like it gave me validation but I’m also kinda glad to be where I am now.

13. I love anything disney or cartoon and I’m a child at heart.

14. My family is my world.

15. I once did a school production and my dress under the light went see through and I was so embarrassed.

16. I’m a little scared of catching covid

17. I still don’t know what I’m meant to do in life and it causes me so much stress.

18. I’m currently watching season 2 of the Witcher and it’s not too bad I really enjoyed the first one.

19. I have an unhealthy obsession with Gatorade flavoured sugar free waters.

20. I’m convinced wedding dress shopping is gonna be hard as my boobs are so big.

21. I’m such a mummas girl I call her every night or close to.

22. I like going out with my fiancé to the drive ins compared to dinner.

23. I am super happy I have made friends and I believe I might have a surprise party or dinner tomorrow but it’s just a theory.

24. I want to see more stage shows as I love musicals and productions.

25. I recently decided to try jalapeños and now I’m obsessed and have them on anything burger, sandwich or wrap related.

26. I’m very clumsy I get so many bruises. Sometimes I edit them out so you guys don’t think I’m bruised and battered haha. I walk into doors, windows and trip a lot lol. The other day I walked into the bed frame and it really hurt.

27. I hate going to hospital even as a visitor it makes me instantly nauseous it’s so bizarre.

28. Im a super lightweight when it comes to drinking and can only handle a few drinks. Will that stop me tomorrow? Hell no.




Happy pre-birthday, sexy lady! I hope you have a great day! What is our favourite place to buy books where you live? Thank you for letting me be your supporter for what feels like a long, long time. Having no sugar, dairy or gluten must suck! Are you managing ok? Why are you in denial about your bra size? You'll at least be married by 30 huh? You still have two years for a baby! Japan is awesome and I want to go back too! You look as amazing in a dress as you do in jeans and a top! I love that your family is our world and you're such a big kid-you are such a beautiful person! I too am scared of covid but we can only do our best and I'm sure a young, healthy person like you wont get too sick. I'm also sure you'll figure out what to do with your life-maybe you're doing what you're meant to be doing. I too love musicals. If you ever come up to my state I'd happily go to our local big theatre to see a musical with you! I'm not with you on the jalapenos though :-p :-)

Gert Olesen

Happy b.day to you tomorrow, Hope you will have a great day.🥰👄❤🎂