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I have now officially added the benefits to each tier for Patreon to now take over the sales tax aspect. If you don't know what I'm talking about please scroll down and read my post. I have pinned it aswell so it should pop up near the top of the page <3

I believe Patreon will email everyone aswell. I am taking it as it comes and if I see a significant change in my prices I will 100% lower them but I don't think this will be the case for us. I think this mostly applies for merchandise and stuff like that... That's all I really know for now.

also as of next month I will be going back to not posting on Sundays! as I struggle sometimes with getting content when all I would love to do is have a little breather hehe I hope that is okay with you all. <3

I would love to know your thoughts on a possible zoom meeting each month where we can all chat or a livestream type scenario. (future idea)  let me know xx

I always strive to improve and make this platform as good as I can.

lastly thankyou all for all of your support it means the absolute world to me xx


Dave Gerber

Well thank you so much for taking care of all your followers!!! It is so much appreciated. I will add very rare!!! You my dear are top shelf! Very few people would do what you . Thanks again.... and keep the amazing posts coming!!!!