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Rosemary & Thyme is a British mystery drama and quite the most preposterous thing you could ever watch. It's described as a 'cosy', which is a work of fiction that does away with sex and violence, in this case, in favour of ludicrous storylines. The two leading ladies are gardeners (THEY'RE ALSO CALLED ROSEMARY & THYME!) who solve murders that seem to keep happening around them. It's quite one of my favourite televisual treats and it's soon to be one of yours.

Episode 1: https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x6kokqw




Bonjour Lymp it’s me that prick that did the parody. I damn near jumped for joy when I saw this podcast come up when I was around 7 sometime in the either 2012 or 2013 Rosemary and Thyme was a show that came on whenever I’d come in from school and I’d sit and watch it with my mum it’s easily one of my most wholesome memories of being a small childe due to it sparking my mums love for gardening which In turn caused her to rip up our concrete front yard and plant all sorts of things but she promised me she would always keep rosemary and thyme in the garden because I loved the show so much and the same ones we planted ten years ago are still going strong I also blame this show for my love of nature, botany and murder. Loves of love puffin xoxo L Rose/Marina Bay


Well Lymp, you haven't steered me wrong yet, Clue and Serial Mom were EXCELLENT and you introduced me to those classics so I'll give this a go. 2 minutes in and I've just seen a middle aged woman throw a rock through the window of her own house and it's played so seriously - I am HOOKED. Side note, i'm in Australia and we have this streaming service called BritBox, which my mum subscribes to as she just loves a British murder mystery. Anyway it has R&T so I just went out to the loungeroom to ask for the password, and Dad asked what on earth I wanted to watch on there. He was utterly incredulous when I told him ("Why on earth do you want to watch that rubbish?!") Without me having to explain, Mum goes "oh it'll be something to do with those two british drag queens" lmao (Actually side note again, I made her watch the stars in our eyes parodies on arsehole race because I thought they were so funny. She was ... confused)


Kath - “I think sexuality is more fluid” Kim - “keep your fluids to yourself please” I choked 😂


This reminded me how much I liked Midsomer Murders when I discovered it last year. I'm in for a binge today.