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The modern age belief that the Earth is flat is utterly fascinating - not because of the theory itself, which is thinner than a piece of rice paper that Char's slammed her arse on, but for the people who believe in it. There's an alarmingly large community of people who subscribe to the Flat Earth theory and since there's no questions to be asked about whether the world is a flat disc or not, let's ask how these people came to such preposterous conclusions.






I've always wanted to listen to a debate between a Flat Earther and a Hollow Earther. It'd be crazy but still interesting.


Currently listening to the pod at work and you mentioned Nigella. I was hanging out with a straight friend of mine the other day and he asked me if I knew who Nigella Lawson was and so I showed him your parody and the reference videos


With flat earthers, what is the end goal? The earth is flat? Ok? In full Cheryl Cole fashion, does any care! It's all about attention and having an air of "I'm smarter and know forbidden things and you don't" don't waste your breath on them


What I find most confusing about these “government coverup” conspiracies is that these people believe that governments are competent enough to pull this off. Like have you seen the level of intelligence of the people running the country? It’s like the whole Covid vaccine microchip thing. You seriously believe Matt Hancock took a break from groping his secretary to get Bill Gates on the phone to organise inserting microchips in millions of covid vaccinations? The man didn’t realise there was CCTV in his own office. The level of delusion you have to have to think that our political leaders have the ability to pull a conspiracy off is off the charts. Our government can barely run our railways but sure they are participating in a worldwide coverup to hide the fact the earth is actually flat. Send help.


First-time commenter and I absolutely loved your Drag Race UK videos you doing Blu impressions and saying 'Cheryl' use to laugh so hard at them would love them back


I used to work with a woman who thought the earth was flat. One day a coworker made a joke about flat earth being ridiculous and this woman's response was "What? Do you really think there are airplanes flying UPSIDE DOWN in Australia right now? How would that even work??" The coworker responded "Gravity?" After that the woman clammed up and refused to talk about it any further. She also was an avid antivaxxer. Come to find out she was married to a significantly older man who held all these beliefs and she would parrot whatever he said with no question. She eventually left the company and is now a stay at home mom for her 2 kids and this mans 4 other children from a different relationship. It's scary to think the things those kids are going to be taught because their dad likes to be a contrarian and their mom/step-mom is a blind follower.


Awesome pod as always Lymp. My favourite meme is the one showing all the nice round planets and then Earth as a nice square dinner plate in the solar system. HOW. I don’t understand why this is a supported idea. I know I sound intolerant of different mindsets, but this is really kind of an abysmal hill to die on. It just doesn’t make any sense. Aliens, at least, are kind of believable because we can’t actually prove they DON’T exist, but space shuttles have photographed the round Earth. Even looking with our own eyeballs we can see that the horizon is curved. It just makes me sad that some people will refuse to see what’s real, right in front of their faces, for some alternate reality that’s been proven to be false. PS. My headphones disconnected at work right when you said “keep on serving cunt” which blessed the earholes of my coworkers.


I’m so over this flat earth vs round earth thing. I mean, obviously the earth is a massive Z shape because Zoltan is our saviour.


little brown RING


You know what scientists genuinely love? Being asked to prove their theories, or to have their theories proven wrong, thats what that entire profession is all about, you want the undeniable truth. So I dont get the reasoning why scientist would lie or cover up the real truth. Conspiracies arnt all bad, but so many are entirely predicated on individuals not understanding or being able to comprehend certain things to have happened, things like 9/11, JFK being assassinated, thousands of skilled workers building pyramids in the desert, they cant comprehend that it just happened and there isnt some big complicated explanation. Sometimes big complicated things happen, but they stem from quite simple origins, which can be difficult to believe sometimes. We also have a society nowadays of contrarians who like to be different just for the sake of it

Daniela Menezes

Hello doll! Catching up with the pod. All I can think about when I see people talking about flat earth is that someone saw an illustration for one of the Discworld books and thought it was an actual map. Hope the holidays are lovely =*


Along with flat earthers, the other conspiracy theory that both stresses me out but makes me laugh is the group of people that literally believe Australia doesn’t exist and it’s all a hoax. Like excuse me what.


In America we say “queer as a three-dollar bill” lol