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Bad Girls is a British prison drama that ran from 1999 to 2006, and Christ does it look like it. It's so wildly stuck in a turn-of-the-millennium style that it wavers between a nostalgia sweet-spot and a feeling of wondering how on Earth it was considered good when it was first broadcast. I'm obsessed with this show so let's do another cute walk down memory lane.




Yas ! My mum got me to watch this show when I far too young, and I don't think I'd have been as much a raging gayer as I am now without this show. Speaking of the Out of It podcast idea, you could always do them as special occasions for Full of It episodes when you and Nova are feeling a little boozy, but rare enough that you arent forcing yourself to drink for it. Ahhh im so happy you love Marina, I went to see her in Glasgow in a lovely drag outfit because she was a camp classic.


I agree with you about Nickleback. Would I call them my favorite band or one of my top one hundred favorites? Absolutely not. But they had a couple of good songs and the first album wasn't horrible. There were definitely worse bands at that time (Remember Hinder and their horrific song 'Lips of an Angel'? Now THAT should be mocked and ridiculed for all time). The song 'I'm With You' will never not remind me of being a few months away from 15 yearning for my much older best friend I refused to say anything to because he was in enough mess with the chick he was with and on top of that, even when they split up for a few months, I did not try to be with him because having him for a friend was more important and I knew how that would end. I was already a Goth but I've always listened to every sort of music and I liked Avril's first album. There's a lot of nostalgia in that album for me. lol I certainly never would have called her "edgy" though but to be fair, I was listening to Marilyn Manson and Evanescence had just come out around that same time. But I am a few years older than you (as evidenced by the horror it sounded like you felt when a comment suggested you were born in '87 like me....LMAO) and, like I said, I had already been Goth since I was 11 or 12. So my perspective on what was edgy isn't likely to be the same as your's (Madonna was one of my childhood heroes and at 7 I was watching a video where she dry humped a television because that is how Madonna rolled so even for pop, I would have looked at Madonna at that time if someone asked me who was an edgy pop star...especially because she had the only banned video on MTV at that time and Catholics were still protesting her shows... but I am thinking you were not raised by wolves and so your mother did not let you watch any Madonna performances, documentaries, or music videos since you never knew when she would bring BDSM into a situation or just dry hump things....televisions, stages, even a bed once....I never would have thought Madonna would become the way she is today and it makes me very sad but that's another conversation altogether....). But you probably had a responsible mother who actually cared about what her child watched on TV and since Madonna was the only person in the '90's to have a video banned by MTV, most moms/mums were not too keen on their small children emulating Madonna by watching everything MTV would show with her. The point is, shit's about perspective and I could see how you at eleven might have seen Avril as edgy. To me, then, Marilyn Manson was edgy....meanwhile death metal fans thought that was a joke. It's all about perspective, right? I get it. OH MY GODDESS, YOU HAVE TO DRESS AS MRS. PEACOCK FOR HALLOWEEN!!!! I am begging you for that gloriousness. And if you wanted to kill two birds with one stone, you could also do a parody of Mrs. Peacock. But make sure you have multiple wigs on hand so every time people turn around, you'll just have another beehive in a completely different color. OH! Make Nova go as Mr. Humphries! That would be divine! Mrs. Peacock was an absolute legend, an actual icon, and I think you would do a great impression of her. And Nova could nail Mr. Humphries if she tried. Speaking of divine....How could NO ONE have realized you were Divine? I hope you rewarded them all with a movie marathon of every John Waters/Divine film that exists to educate them. So what if they come out looking like they were stand ins on A Clockwork Orange. It should be illegal to get to adulthood without knowing who Divine is. I am going to have to check out Bad Girls. It must not have been available on BBC America because I was a BBC America junkie around that time (I even watched Changing Rooms....how bleak is that?)and I have never heard of this show. But I have watched a season and a half of Wentworth seven years ago when my daughter was a few months old and she wouldn't let me put her down (I watched a lot of random shit during that time as I was going insane unable to put her down or put her in one of those carrier things you wear for most of the day and Wentworth was the only thing I liked). So if it's anything like Wentworth, it might be worth the watch just to see it. If It's awful, there's nothing saying I have to keep watching it. lol But I want to just check it out. I hope that you and Nova are having a wonderful weekend. Your podcast is getting me through a rough one so thanks for that. And much love to you and to Nova always.


Another lovely pod! Cue the Snafu is a cute name for the joint one with Nova - I reckon you could sell both that and I Find You Very Rude T-shirts if you wanted to. Those early 2000s ITV dramas were so camp. I rewatched Bad Girls in lockdown with my lesbian flatmate who’d never seen it and she was obsessed. At Home With The Braithwaites and Footballers Wives were fun too but I’ve not seen them recently to see if they hold up. I had your Paris vlog on earlier and I was cracking up at your Joanna Lumley impression at the Eiffel Tower. I’d love a Joanna Lumley travel parody video (especially as she’s got a new show out!) The only parodies I’ve ever seen of her are of Ab Fab and I definitely think you could do something new like you did with Nigella.


You are constantly giving me new content to look up! This seems very much up my alley. I feel like I’d prefer British prison dramas over American, like I Love Screw but hate orange is the new black. Have you done a pod about Dolly Parton? She would be an interesting one! I thought of a cool name for the new pod: Merlot Standard Queens! 😭😂 love you girlyyy


Also I meant to say the song Sk8r Boi was the one I begged my sister to get the lyrics for and she wrote the lyrics from pausing and playing her cd player 😭 and I apologize for aging you, I imagine my sister would be a bit older. 😂🧡


Cue the Snafu would be such a great name for the pod xx

tom bird

Didn't autumn also ruin the badminton net a bit with those great big z-cup norkers of hers? I think cue the snafu is very cute and on brand. Is there a reason you changed the intro from "let's start the shit show"? Was it because of YouTube guidelines about swearing? Also will we be getting a patreon only X-rated unblurred task master? 🤣


Thankyou for another great pod. I love listening to you talk even if I don’t know anything about the topic. You mentioned the show Prisoner briefly and I had to share this little anecdote. My Nanna played the receptionist named Sally in Prisoner for 30 odd episodes. She was a small actress through the 70s and 80s but she always talks about how that was her biggest role.


I’m catching up on the pod now and it feels like the Novympia Cinematic Universe is going through a real renaissance at the moment, five star content for the eyes and earholes! It was Yolanda Hadid on the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills who also has Lyme disease, I remember when her book (Believe Me) came out Avril wrote a very complimentary introduction for it as Yolanda had been very supportive of her health struggles Avril had due to her Lyme disease. I always adored Avril, my first ever love interest (I’m reluctant to call it a relationship as it lasted just over a month if that) was largely based on us discussing our favourite tracks from The Best Damn Thing as we walked around the school science block avoiding the fact we had no interest in each other outside of being the only two out guys at school (ah, youth).


I absolutely LOVED this show when I was a kid 😀 my Nan would have screamed if she knew I was watching this in bed on a school night. Can't wait to listen to this POD 😍😀


Well thanks, now I'm going to have to try and find At Home with the Braithwaites to watch 🤣 what a throwback!


Haven't listened to this yet, but it's so weird because I only started re-watching this last week. Interestingly enough (or perhaps not), this was my grandmother's favourite show throughout its run and she was in her 60s / early 70s then. She's always been fierce and I take after her a lot. She's still around now, and I think she would have made a really good prison warden (but not in a Sylvia way). The Julies were Essex as anything, and I loved it. Denny is my favourite character this time round, and Yvonne is probably second. Her and Shell Dockley were just nutters frankly. In terms of warden eye candy, Dominic and Josh can both get it. I'd especially be all over Josh in a situ like that, but not in a crazy Di Barker way. Di Barker man. Unhinged to the brim. I've never laughed at a domestic abuse storyline before, but I guess there's a first time for everything. Lot's of smatterings of homophobia in there, which was just awkward really. Didn't affect my self-esteem growing up whatsoever, oh no. As for the show itself, I felt like it almost had a Oz like grittiness to it at the beginning. There's was something at stake and you really cared what happened to the characters. But it seemed by the end to have become like a glorifed version of Eastenders, which I hate. The camera work was at times genius, but that's because I'm an enthusiast for early 00s weirdness. Anyway, I'll have a listen to this later on. :)

Lee Dawson

I grew up watching Bad Girls! Wasn't there an episode with a bomb or something? Hearing the theme tune took me back and strangely reminded me of Footballers Wives too. ITV1 used to make some good things. Taking on the task of consuming all of the Full Of Its except the murder ones because I'm a wuss. Looking forward to the Nova/Lymp pod too

Alice Read

As a new cult member of the Patreon I’m genuinely excited to be able to finally catch up with all these pods ❤️ Bad girls was a real trip into my early teen years- every character you mentioned made me squeal as I remembered them all. Thoroughly enjoyed and can’t wait to listen to the rest while I sit on my fat arse and crochet the rainbow dress of my dreams for Eastbourne pride at the end of the month. Love you both so much. Always the highlight of me week ❤️

felipe langley

Did you ever watch HBO's Male prison equivalent 'OZ'? x Christopher Meloni 🍑 lol x


Thanks to lock down and working from home I got a chance to rewatch Bad Girls and actually watch it right to the end! The last few series weren’t the best and the last episode was absolutely dire(!!), but in its hey day it was an amazing show! One scene I always remember was when Shell stabbed Fenner with a broken bottle! Iconic! Thanks again for another fabulous pod, looking forward to the next one! ♥️


Hey Lymp. Forgive the unrelated questions but I’ve been listening to all the old pods and I have a few questions that simply MUST be answered. 1. What happened to Olympia at the Movies? 2. What happened to the cleaning the drag room video? 3. What happened to Novas genealogy/DNA test video? 4. And lastly, not a question but a suggestion. You mentioned in the Alix pod that you used to film everything when you were growing up. How about a video of you and Nova reacting them? Thanks 😁 x

Mark Hall

Your speech near the start about people not having an unmanageable amount of children made me think of the Quiverfull Cult. Wondered if you’d ever cover it in a pod. There was a Netflix doc called “Our Father” about a fertility doctor in America who was part of it who was secretly impregnating women with his own semen to have as many children as possible. Insane stuff.

Mark Hall

Also my fav conspiracy theories are like the Avril one where people claim that “they’re giving hints”, like the covid deniers saying omicron was a hoax because it’s an anagram of “moronic” 🥴😂 if they’re covering it up why would they hint it! So daft.


Great pod as always. Also the Taskmaster vid was SO good, I'd had some bad news the day it came out and it really made me laugh and cheered my day up a little. I've never watched Bad girls but honestly from your description you kind of sold me on a bit so I might check out the first few episodes! I think the only prison drama I ever really got into was Orange is the New Black and that was definitely a bit of an eye opener for my questioning queer self lol.


Really enjoyed this pod, despite having never watched an episode of Bad Girls! Despite being a few years older than you, Lymp, it completely passed me by! The closest I got was watching Orange is the New Black a few years ago (but that went completely off on one after series 3 and I stopped watchinig!) Please can I make a recommendation for a future podcast: The Disappearance and Deaths of Lela and Raymond Howard, which is the story behind the song The Way by Fastball, an elderly couple who set off from their home to a Pioneer Day festival 10 miles away from their home, who were eventually found 100s of miles away


I remember occasionally tuning in to watch Bad Girls at bedtime in my room. Though prepubescent me was more into Footballer's Wives. Did you ever get into that?


Never watched Bad Girls but after your description of the woman getting locked in a room in the basement by the sergeant, I had to go onto YouTube & watch it. It’s so bad I have decided to add it to my watch list. However, I am currently half way through a recommendation you made in a way earlier pod (I’m currently working my way from the start, the whole way through Full of It) I’m talking about “The Murder Game”. You are also responsible for me watching Alien, Aliens & Copycat all in the one night as a result of the Sigourney Weaver pod. The list of motion pictures i have because of you is ridiculous, but I will watch ever single one because you said so & you’re a doll! OH YOUR MOTHER!!


Bad Girls made so little impression on me, I had to check if it came to Australia: it did, so it must not have appealed to my parents (we only had one TV). I appreciate your comments about Nickelback, but I was aware of them from their debut & never heard anything I liked enough to delve deeper: no bandwagon needed here. To clarify Joe Buckle's comment, Avril had Lyme disease, a bacterial infection. Yolanda Hadid has chronic Lyme disease, a medically unproven condition. <3


I am not at all disappointed. Lol You are right. I have seen neither Clue nor Are You Being Served in many years and I mixed up the names of Captain Peacock and Mrs. Slocombe.


I listen to Full of It every week and a big fan of the pod! I am very excited with the ideas circulating around another podcast with Nova. I really enjoyed listening to the pandemic episodes between the two of you and any of the I Think it could be Beef episodes. Cheers!