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Sex and the City is an HBO, American comedy-drama that ran between the late 90s and early noughties. It was adored by audiences of women who would see their personal lives mirrored in those of the 4 main characters and men who would use it as softcore porn. In retrospect, the sexy foursome were atrocious people but it somehow continues to be essential viewing.




Thanks for another great pod love! I did something quite similar and re-watched SATC again and the amount of times I rolled my eyes and turned off my TV were at a record number. Other than any of the moments with Samantha or that one scene in the Movie with Dante in the shower it's lost all appeal... I will pre-warn you that 'Just like that' is even worse! It obliterates the little respect I had for the series. I was having a think about older movies and TV shows that you may have not seen and wanted to check if you've seen To Wong Foo, Thanks for Everything! Julie Newmar?


Nice work, thanks Lympi. I watched SATC from when it premiered: as a young woman, I found it entertaining in spite of the main characters, who all struck me as awful people. I agree that Aidan was gorgeous: I thought he, Steve and Stanford were the only characters any nice, normal person would want to meet in real life. I also watched Alias when it was new: I think you and Nora might enjoy it. It's marketed as a thriller, but it's just cheesy/campy enough to be fun. Watching now, it's cool to see some famous faces before they were stars. And Michael Vartan could get it. Anytime.


ā€œ She writes a column, and at night she rides a Collinā€ deserves a fucking Peabody Award and I wonā€™t hear another thing about it.


I love how Olympia is looking for sex on the computer. And I recommend Alias sheā€™s finds out that the agency sheā€™s working for the not the CIA she becomes a a double agent to stop them and who doesnā€™t love a bit of Jennifer gardener


I absolutely wheeze with laughter every single time I hear ā€˜Jackieee help meeehhhā€™ & when you have your gas attack with the ā€˜Ohhh yeahhhhā€™ šŸ˜‚ the reason I will listen to every pod no matter the topic. I should also give honourable mention to ā€˜the hotel is fabulousā€™


Never really been a fan of SATC myself but enjoyed listening to you talk about it :). You describing Carrie as this awful, selfish character just reminds me of Mary in Downton Abby. She's one of the main protagonists and I think you're supposed to somewhat sympathise with her and be invested in her romances but she is such a self centred, spiteful person. She acts as though she is the only thing that matters and will happily ruin other people's lives just because she's in a bad mood and then want sympathy because SHE'S sad. If she were a real person I would be telling all the men to run in the other direction lol. I don't know if Carrie ever gets called out on her behaviour but Mary eventually does and the sister she always shits on ends up vastly more successful, happy and wealthy and it's very satisfying lol.


Yes please do a pod on AI that would be so interesting šŸ§ šŸ’•


Loved the pod as always. If Samantha was your fave in Sex and the City (as she was mine) I can't imagine you'll be a fan of And Just Like That. No Kim, no fun, no frothiness - the new show feels a bit dull and depressing. Couldn't get through the first season. SO glad you mentioned Kim Cattrall's episode of Who Do You Think You Are? That moment when she discovers her grandfather was a bigamist - 'that son of a bitch' - iconic. Best episode of that show. I've been rewatching your vlogs and I love it when you do those kinds of videos. I'd love to see one for Eurovision! Or something else like another Disney trip? I know it must be a faff filming everything but it's definitely a fun watch.


Listening to this on the way to the set of my final film for uni. Absolutely cacking it but grateful I have these dulcet tones to calm my nerves. Wish me luck!


Iā€™m so glad the pod went in this direction. Carrie is the worst! Itā€™s always about her, whatever the situation someone is going through - Like when Samantha had cancer. Samantha is the most entertaining and Iā€™d probably say Miranda is the most relatable to me. Even though nobody wants to be Mirandaā€¦ but why not? Because she was arguably less attractive than the others? I have the video of Carrie saying ā€œyou just donā€™t get itā€¦ā€ and is smirking into her drink and looking around. Prize arsehole but I love to send it to people šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


If you want a show that is soaked in 90s try 'La femme Nikita' with Peta Wilson. That show was an inspiration for Alias but much better.


I recall watching S&TC when I was 11. On the way to school, as children, my 'friends' associated more with being a 'Carrie' - I, openly felt more like a Miranda (I'll ignore the shade!). I could write a long post, but I would say your take isn't far off, based on my experience. S&TC is so problematic, and I do actually resent the characters for the most part, especially now we're in our 30s. There are some female friendship groups that only talk about their relationships, but it certainly isn't the norm - I do recall, however, there was one episode when Miranda flipped out about how they only talk about men, but that was never addressed again! Would you dare step into the territory of discussing the cesspit which is...And Just Like That? No one, even me, wants to be THAT Miranda!


You mentioned Real housewives near the start of the pod, and you probably already know this, but if you didnā€™t, Candace Bushnell was actually in RHONY! Sheā€™s the person Dorinda has her ā€œNot well, bitchā€ moment to. Weird coincidence thought Iā€™d point out


Never watched SATC and listening to you absolutely shit on it for an hour hasn't convinced me, haha. I think it would be one of those shows I'd love if I had watched it when I was younger (like Charmed and Desperate Housewives, and love now for the nostalgia but wouldn't be able to get into as an adult). PS I've never related to you more then when you spent 10 minutes trying to think of the name of that interviewer and gave barely any clue into who you were talking about - I do the same and my family gets so annoyed at me ("you know that movie I like, with that actress I like... you know the one!!" etc). PPS Another cracker podcast! Even though I barely know anything about the subject matter I just enjoy listening to you discuss topics you are interested in


Long time listener, first time commenter! Hi Lymp! I was 13 when SATC debuted and didnā€™t watch it until I was a fully out gay adult. I agree that it has aged horribly, but I can recognize how it was culturally significant for the time. Remember when they would break the fourth wall in season 1? Iā€™ll still watch it for nostalgia and always get so infuriated with Carrie. The list is endless! Like when she got mad at Charlotte for not offering her money to help bail out losing her apartment. Absurd! Or when she wore that mid drift with a cowboy hat to a party! I enjoyed Alias all the way through although it got confusing at times. Brace yourself for the made up technology bits. Love the pod! Iā€™m currently listening through the backlog and feel like I canā€™t comment on those old ones, so jumped at the chance for this one! Also, thanks for the vids that my bf Devlin gifted to me! He totally surprised me both times.


Have you ever seen keeping up appearances and if so would you do a podcast about it xx


Hey Lymp, I think this is my fourth time commenting but I'm always a month or two behind on these pods. Last time I commented I mentioned how I think about the edit of nova saying 'oh here we go' all the time and since then you've started saying it more on the pod so thank you very much for scratching that brain-itch so much. Anyway I always leave comments on the most recent pod before listening, and then when I get round to listening to the subsequent pod I forget I've commented and it really freaks me out, and the same with birthday shoutouts at the end of your YouTube videos!


Omg also I quote Dita Jenks all the time now my boyf hates it, please feature her more


also thank you for making my week and shouting patricia on twitch for me


This was a lot of fun, even though I've never watch an episode of the series and my knowledge about it comes from memes essentially, I just LOVE a good rant

Geraint Humphreys

Iā€™ve got a free copy of ā€˜And just like thatā€™ on dvd if you want it, Olympia. Unopened (I donā€™t have a player). I am happy to send to the PO Box if you want it x