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I wasn't fussed about seeing this in the theatre but Nova was sucked into the hype like an old piece of cat litter up the extended Dyson nozzle. M3GAN tells the story of an AI doll who loses her shit when she's programmed to take care of her human child. If you don't recognise it from that synopsis you'll sure as cack know it from the viral video of the titular character doing a bizarre robot dance in a dimly lit hallway.




I haven't seen M3GAN yet but the fact that you didn't use Titanium as the opening song is absolutely criminal


My housemate and I go to the cinema most weeks using Meerkat Movies since we live literally across the street from our local movie theatre. As a result, we’ve seen a lot of shit films over the years, and expected M3GAN to be yet another crap fest. But I was pleasantly surprised and ended up loving it! We’ve been going round singing “Titanium” all week and cracking up every time. My one gripe is that I actually found the film, especially towards the beginning, to be devastatingly sad! That poor little girl sees her parents die in a car crash, ends up living with her aunt who barely gives a shit, cries herself to sleep every night, gets bitten by a dog, and then is forced to attend a school where she gets bullied. I felt so bad for the poor little bitch! I almost don’t want her in the sequel as she deserves a peaceful life from now on

Geraint Humphreys

It felt like a particularly campy (and long) Black Mirror episode, but it’s fun.


I honestly thought that the clips of the doll dancing was a piss take & not the actual motion picture 🫣


Fab pod as always, doll. I love listening to these on my hour-drive back to my dad’s every Sunday. In terms of sequels, I think the assistant (that got killed in the elevator) transferred the M3GAN files to some cloud storage so that’s definitely another avenue for them to take for a sequel. Maybe the AI infected the cloud storage and took over that ripoff Alexa device. Who knows? I’ll be seated for the movie regardless.


Loved this pod as per🫶🏻Thankyou for always keeping me entertained on my walks🫶🏻


This movie did, honestly, feel slightly unreal to me and I'm not sure if I'll survive the sequel. I don't know if you've seen any of the articles about it, but this tiktok-dancing murderous robot becoming a gay icon really tickles me, especially considering T*drick H*ll's recent tirades. I'm sure you're sick of hearing it, but i've been off all week with the flu and having the channel to keep me company really made it a lot more bearable. Much love to you and Nova, you really are a lifeline.


This movie was such a silly fun mess. The Sia song has me crying with laughter in the cinema. As for the traitors I binged it thanks to the pod and now Im hooked. But speaking of camp masterpieces I go a lot of friends to watch your John Maclean parody (its seamless and flawless) and youve got a bunch of new fans because that is a video I quote on the daily (and from a scot that accent was dead on !)


lovely pod as usual darling meant to write this comment last night but i honestly forgot since i was so focused on your dulcet tones down my earole’s to answer your question as to why i had headphones from primark i only bought them there because i left my earphones at home accidentally it was the closest shop near the train station that i knew sold earphones/ headphones and i can’t travel on trains or buses myself without something on (youtube, a podcast, netflix or spotify)


Oh buggar I feel like a perfect arse


Hey Lump xoxo Listened to this pod and instantly decided to drag my boyfriend to go see the film (shout out to kim for having a seizure and abandoning me in a club, which lead me to meeting my boyfriend). The movie was full on cack and I adored it. Some of M3gan's moments that where meant to be unnerving and uncanny where just hilarious and caused me to scream laugh in the cinema. Sny movie that has a fart joke 5 mins in has my heart. I rate it m3gan/10.


i love how that’s ur and ur bfs lovestory because of me


I was just driving along and listening to the pod enjoying my day. Right at the end of the pod Luther let out a meow and it scared the absolute piss right out of me! I thought there was a cat in my truck suddenly and almost crashed it right into a tree. Once I realized it was on the pod I started laughing so hard I had to pull over because I was tearing up and couldn’t see to drive. Thanks for the heart attack Luther!