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...and it's a Full Of Beouf! starring NoVay NoGenes. So a while back, Nova's sister informed us that we simply had to watch this new reality show on the BBC. Initially hesitant, it took us about 10 minutes into the pilot to realise we were going to binge at least half the season that same evening. This pod obviously has heavy spoilers for the British version of the show but we'll be referencing the Australian and US versions without spoilers for those.



I still have no idea what The Traitors is; but I love hearing you guys talk in depth about stuff you're genuinely interested in. I think I'd give up my left tit for more regular Nova guest spots/full of beefs. LEFT TITTIE. thanks for keeping me company as I put bastard ikea furniture together this sweltering Sunday afternoon!


I love Meryl. I want a show called Meryl in Peril where Meril gets sent on extreme adventure holidays. The American version doesnt have any weird slow versions of songs which I didnt like, and I felt the contestants all sort if blended together for a good chunk of it, but as I hadnt seen any of the respective shows they were from, it just felt like a less diverse, slightly more frustrating series 2. I also disliked Kate at first, but her one liners made the show for me. Trying to find the Australian one next. Back to the UK one, I felt bad for Kieran, but the minute they found Kieran out, they should have known there was one left. Kieran was not there for most of the game, so he had to have been a fourth traitor and it annoyed me so much that they just didnt do the maths.


Always love a Berf, but can someone teach Nova how to speak into a mic? It sounds like Olympia is in the dining room and Nova is giving her input from the back garden.


Aww, love dunking a bit of beef avec la Noveaux Genois! Binged The Traitors over the Christmas break with my sister and brother and we still recount the epic breakfast chaos where it all went to shit with Tom revealing his relationship with Alex, Matt sobbing, Maddy throwing in the iconic line "I thought you were gunna get with Alex...", wild accusations everywhere...and Meryl still not having a clue. SO GOOD!

Paul housbey Art

I absolutely fucking loved The Traitors, I wish I could experience watching it again for the first time. It’s like a (dare I say) more interesting version of big brother, I’m surprised it hadn’t been done sooner because it’s not a unheard of concept but I’m so excited for the second season. I completely fell in love with Claudia Winkleman during the season too. I’m so excited to see the future of this show and I hope there’s a possibility of an Allstars type season because I’d love to see some of these people come back onto the show.


Imrams problem was he thought he was smarter and just better in general than everyone else in the room also ivan was a snack who reminded me of A from magicians. Sorry for the lack of punctuation dolls xx


I was unsure of watching traitors UK before you guys had done this pod, I loved the concept of it but assumed that traitors was gunna be cack (bad cack), as I feel about most of the stuff that ends up hitting the "mainstream" TV audience. I had listened to about half of the pod before I decided "I'm gunna go watch the first episode so I could have my own thoughts about it before I finish the pod" and I'm so glad I did because I binged this show and wow was it good. My one gripe with the format was I wish there was some kind of evidence or "calling card" left behind at the murders, as it felt like without clues, everyone was just blindly guessing people that they didn't agree with until they could get a traitor which sometimes rubbed me the wrong way. I love that we had a lot of queer representation on it too with Andrea, John and Theo, but there was points where Theo and John really rubbed me the wrong way, John for his "argument" at Aaron where it was just him screaming at him for no reason, and Theo for, in my opinion, emotionally tanking some people's games with his "you voted x out, and they were really close with me, so I'm voting you out now" and a lot of his emotional tantrums. That ending was such a twist and props to Kieran for not letting Wilf sweep him under the rug and steal the solo win, but I wish Wilf had a better excuse at the end. If he himself had asked for a revote and used it as a "there's still a traitor in here and Kieran has just used me as a guarantee that the other traitor will slip through and win" I think he could've taken the win, but I loved his heart warming speech to the last remaining 3. My faves were Hannah, Alex and Amanda, and I don't think many people could've presented this show as good as Claudia did. Love you girls x


Having listened to this entire episode with no idea what the Traitors was, I feel absolutely no more informed. Anyways, how would you have played it if you were on? Lymp is so charming and intelligent i'm sure she'd have no problems escaping with the cash prize.


My mum and I stumbled upon The Traitors after my nan’s funeral, thinking it would just be some garbage we could watch so we didn’t have to talk for the rest of the night. So I’m sure you can imagine our surprise when it turned out to be great! We were hooked and watched every episode together as it aired. It was such a nice way to get through such a weird time in our lives (because let’s be honest, nobody tells you how to act when a relative who was a bit of an asshole dies). Loved the pod as always!

Sam Kennerley

Holy shit. So following this podcast we went and checked out the Australian version. Binged the whole thing in 3 days. It’s cut throat and just as amazing. That’s the beauty of this show - it’s about people so each game is played in a totally unique way. Cannot reccomend the Aus version enough… think I may skip the US one though.


Fave bit was maddy turning to Matt and going ‘I thought you were gonna get with alex’ when Tom told them they were an item 😂


We share a mic and Olympia is clearly much louder than I. I'll grab the audio from her next time to equalise the levels before she uploads.


I know I’m late but I upgraded my Patreon just because I wanted to listen to this ep haha. Recently became obsessed with the traitors, have watched the US and then UK one so far. I don’t mind the celebrities so much, that’s the reason I watched it because I love Cirie from survivor and saw she was on the US version. However the UK version definitely was better and I think it does work better with strangers. And if they use celebs again it should be all celebrities (and then can do fun things like have a UK ex contestant on the US version for example). Have to watch the AUS one now (funny it’s last cause I’m Australian) - I saw the casting for season 2 closed yesterday, haha, maybe for s3. Anyway love the show, love you girls, and loved the pod! Will keep listening