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If you'd like to enter the patrœne Secret Santa 2022 (it's open to all patrons) then simply send us a private message over Patreon including the following info:

- Name (Usernames/Aliases are also fine!)

- Address (Please be as specific as possible)

- Dietary requirements such as allergies, vegan etc. (if you have any)

- Whether you want to send your box within your own country or internationally

- Any social media you wish your Secret Santa to be aware of

Deadline to put your name in is Friday November 25th - I'll be in touch on Saturday 26th to send you all your Secret Santas 💓

Here's a darling unboxing video from last year for inspiration:


If you have any queries, pop them in the comments 🎄

Lymp x





I'm interested, but I've not been here all that long, and I don't say much!


YesHelloBloodyHellYes, I had a blast doing it last year!


Love doing this!!!


I did last year and it was awesome! I've been thinking about this years for ages! <3


I’m excited about this! It was so fun getting my box together for my person 🎁


Can I suggest making an SS thread right here where folks write down things they like? That way their SS can read it and get some ideas.


I don’t say much either, I’m definitely more of a lurker. I think I’m still gonna participate. Cute little way to spread some Christmas cheer.


How much do people normally spend on the secret santa? I'm definitely interested in participating but need to budget family gifts too


First time for me. Looking forward to it!


Had so much fun curating an absolute box of crap last year for my SS (who I knew nothing about ) and met a lovely patron in the process 🥰💙 for anyone worried about budget it doesn’t matter, there are no expectations it’s just fun!! (The shit I sent last year 🙄😉) Sadly I was the 1% last year who’s SS box didn’t turn up but I’m throwing my hat in the ring again because it’s fun to buy crap for someone you don’t know 😉💙💙


Understandable. I'm somewhat invisible since all I do is comment...no social media, etc. This is a good way to get at least your style and reputation out to the cult-lifestyle, especially if your person does a video on it.


Alright I'm gonna give it a go


Oh my goodness, yes, yes, yes!


If I got your name it would all be for your kittah!❤️


Sounds so fun! I’m in. 😊❤️