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Most Haunted was a British paranormal butt-fest that initially aired on Living TV between 2001 and 2010. Largely ridiculed by viewers, it was hosted by "in my ear'oooole" Yvette Fielding as she would surround herself with ghost "experts" and venture into various spooky locations to look for anything they could pass off as being fiendish phenomena.

Let's grab ourselves a nice seasonal bev and listen to an episode together.




It’s still going till this day actually on YouTube they continue posting. Every Halloween they do a live special and it’s my family’s tradition to watch and laugh and get sorta spooked. I know it’s cack but I think it’s really funny tbh


I have watched a bunch of the ghost hunting shows and they all seem to be similar in the fact that they give an awesome history of this site, then sync it up with overdone production during an investigation. I’d rather sit and watch a show they give us great history or even accounts from people who actually worked or lived in a place but nothing paranormal at all happens than some of the clearly fake things I’ve seen on some of the shows. When we went to the Trans-Allegheny Lunatic Asylum back in 2010, they gave us a tour of the place with an expert and then let us have 2 hours on each floor to investigate alone. The guided tour part was good for the history of the place but when they got into the examples of ghost hunting it was clearly fake. They didn’t know that they had a VIP in the room and they brought out a flashlight to talk to the spirits. You could clearly hear, well I could clearly hear because I can’t see shit but can hear an ant fart ten miles away, the guide clicking a button that would turn the flashlight on and off when he asked the question. And when they use the dowsing rods I couldn’t see but my husband clearly saw them moving their wrists to make the rods go in whatever direction they wanted them to go. But once they let us on our own aside from the farty husband incident, (still strongly in the top 3 hilarious moments in our almost 26 year marriage),it was pretty scary. I don’t know if there are spirits but people there were absolutely tortured in the name of medical science and you could just feel the pain and anguish in those walls. I got a bunch of pictures and went through and took out all the ones with the dust orbs from the flash catching dust floating in the air. I got some really interesting pictures, I can’t explain them. I got some in the Civil War hospital area, the children’s shower room, and the procedure room where they performed ice pick lobotomy. I can upload them to your Instagram so you can have a look. They’re not your typical dust orbs. Long story even longer I guess, I appreciate the shows for the history of a place I’ve not seen before. And the paranormal is entertaining to a point. But know when to call it quits when you feel you have to throw things to get ratings! ❤️❤️


Nothing to do with Most Haunted but currently listening to you while coming round from my last stage of lower surgery. It's become a bit of ritual to listen to Lymp when coming round and so far it's served me well! Thanks Lymp for your reassuring, healing, dulcet tones!


As an American, we didn't have this show, but in the mid-2000s my family and I were really into watching Ghost Hunters. It seems like pretty much the same concept, just around America. It was super interesting to watch at first and it was cool how initially they tried really hard to debunk a lot of the hauntings. But then it just turned into a load of people running about in the dark screaming at nothing and it seemed like all the "science" got left behind in favor of drama for ratings. Completely unrelated to the pod, I know you said you weren't a huge fan of X but I would highly recommend seeing it's prequel Pearl. It's less of your typical horror, and more of a character study of Pearl and what made her the way she is. Mia Goth's performance is incredible and the way the film replicates/emulates an old Hollywood film is spectacular.


Who could forget "Mary loves Dick". 🤣


I'm so glad you have finally done a most haunted pod, I used to be obsessed with that show when I was kid/teenager. I remember always getting scared at the intro to the show especially the part when a figure is walking towards the camera. I was so scared of it that I used to not look at the the tv when the intro was playing so I didnt get scared lol.

Sabrina Spunkman

I just watched Ghostwatch on your recommendation and I can't believe you've never done a pod on the Enfield Haunting! Maybe it'd be a good Full of Beeerf, I'd like to hear Nervon pick holes in the kids stories. PS, I laughed everytime the mam in Ghostwatch referred to that basement door as a "gloryhole"

Mark Hall

That medium’s slightly raspy voice just had me imagining it was Whoopi Goldberg on Most Hauned. “Yvette, you in danger girl”.


Olympia - shampoo recommendation for bad scalp - the brand 'noughty' with their caretaker shampoo. It has worked wonders for me.


i never used to believe in ghosts until the first time i went to st augustine. it’s supposed to be the oldest remaining city in the us and it’s haunted af. my friend’s family ran a shop in the historic downtown and they had a ghost that would make things fall down or feel like you were being grabbed. apparently a bunch of psychics who were customers independently told them it was a misty black presence and his name was bernard. he only ever seemed to mess with the women in the shop. there’s so many little haunted spots in that city that won’t even come up when you google them bc they’re just locally known.


Oh the topic of films scaring as a kid I used to love the original BFG animated film but the intro of the film would give me nightmares as a kid! The way the BFG appeared in cloaked and walked slowly down the road and the owl flying around. Watched it again a few years ago and still creeped me out


Jeepers Creepers is a good example of a “normal song” being extremely creepy after a film 😳