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Sister Act is a 1992 American comedy film starring WHOOPI. There's a less-than-sub-par sequel which obviously we'll discuss in today's pod because I always watch them both as a double bill, but I've decided this is worthy of an episode because it's a lovely feel-good picture about nuns.

There's a handful of movies that I'll always put on of a rainy afternoon and they're mainly from the 90s but pictures like this always make me feel just fine.

I clean forgot to mention the fact that they're apparently making a 3rd one but I won't hold out hope that it'll feel remotely the same as the first two.




I Will Follow Him is my go to happy song. It just never fails to make me smile no matter how down I'm feeling. The whole film is just brilliant.


Its been ages since I got the chance to listen to a pod soon enough after its published so, to celebrate, heres another pointless rambling anecdote that only barely connects to the subject matter. One year at school, the two most popular girls in the bully group must have gotten their hands on a pirate copy of Sister Act 2. They stood up in class and sang the first couple of lines from the song in it, (If you wanna be some body, if you wanna go somewhere etc etc), dance and all, for the whole class. No one had, seemingly, seen Sister Act 2 at the time. It wasnt in cinemas anymore and had not been released on VHS, so for about 8 months they had the whole school convinced it was an original creation. By end of the last term it was a 4 minute song, with chorus and verses, and they'd had a whole assembly dedicated to them for it. End of term classes being what they were, we were delighted when our english teacher wheeled the tv in for double english. We were watching the newly released on video, SISTER ACT 2! When that scene came around, they got up and fled. The following year they asked to change classes and they never performed again. I like to think my teacher was being a shady bitch, maybe watching it the evening before and recognising the song, and deciding to change her entire lesson plan. I'd feel sorry for them but they once attacked me behind the gym and smacked my head off the wall several times because someone had told one of them that I, a gay, had a crush on her. Lovely ladies.


I feel like Whoopi was just ever present in so many peoples childhoods. I feel like the venn diagram of films I loved as a child and films she was in is just a single circle. Now I commented this on the last pod but you’d already recorded but this is a burning question. Have you ever done an FOI on desperate housewives? I have a distinct memory of listening to you talk about it but I can’t see it anywhere on the patreon. I know sometimes you remove videos and stuff for a variety of reasons so that could be why. Either that or I just dreamt it. Also, I feel like you’d love this new doc on netflix called the tinder swindler. Without going into too much detail it’s a crazy story about this guy essentially running a ponzi scheme doing women out of their money through tinder. I feel like it’s right up your street


I’m very religious, not catholic but I know a lot about Catholicism. So your confusion about what the pope does and who he is and how on earth is he allowed to retire??? Just made me laugh out loud. About Whoopi, I feel as if she was in every single video I watched as a kid. I don’t agree with everything she says and does now, but she’s part of my childhood, the sad thing about cancel culture, is the complete lack of understanding. People make mistakes. And refusing them the opportunity to apologize and learn to be better is shameful. I mean… Imagine if we would all have been “canceled” for the way we acted as teenagers, but we were allowed to grow and change and become better. Everyone should have that chance.

andi with an eye

yep, agree that Tuesdays are a wasted day of the week #abolishtuesdays. Love Whoopi! being watching her movies since I was a kid. Not sure if we can still watch this movie somewhere but totally recommend 'the telephone' just for the great twist at the end ... brilliant!


My fav 90s comfy movies are Scream 1 & 2 (because they're comedies with gore tbh). Also, a bit out of the date range, but Jennifer's Body as well. It's the perfect movie. An intense lesbian coming of age story (well.. it can be viewed in that context) with quick one liners ( "Do you get all your murder weapons at Home Depot? God, you're butch") and all the bad men die gruesomely!


I feel like at any moment the sniper's red dot will be on my head for saying this....but I'm a gay 90's kid that hasn't seen Sister Act... I'm so ashamed of myself hahaha its been on the list of those "Movies you have to Watch" but just hasnt happened yet haha

Mark Hall

Frigging love Sister Act, my mum used to have that and Ghost on VHS and loved putting them on whilst doing the ironing. Simpler times. Also listening to you descend into madness trying to research the pope made me cry with laughter, I think “the pope” deserves its own pod maybe? Anyway, also completely random comment but I know you love a found footage horror and I was recommended this vid on youtube the other day which is part of this "backrooms" genre the kids seem very into, wondered if you'd seen it. I almost wet me knickers but I scare pretty easily. https://youtu.be/H4dGpz6cnHo


As its Eurovision season again could you guys do an in depth video on how jury votes and things work for the Americans and us brita that are a bit slow xxx


I have so much nostalgia for Sister Act and Sister Act 2. I latch onto most any movie that has a character that is so cute and adorable with my first name - so naturally I was in LOVE with Jennifer Love Hewitt's character of Margaret (plus she is stupid hot so... yep). I sang in our church's Fine Arts competition a lot as a teenager, and when I went to states we did the Joyful Joyful song in the Syracuse NY arena to the thousands of attendees - it was so nervewracking when they gave me one of the parts where the four girls do their little interlude and solos, and I had to sing in front of so many people for the first time. I might have the cassette tape recording of it somewhere but damn - it has a soft spot in my heart. It was infinitely relatable for me and sure it's crap but I really love it :)


i feel like this is the right time/place to confess my sins. i have never seen sister act. 1, 2 or on stage. i was in a choir when i was about 10 and we performed joyful joyful and pay attention. everyone was so excited when they heard we were doing songs from sister act that i played along and have been living this lie ever since. (pretty sure even my mum just assumes i've seen them.) it is so well loved in my family/community that when our local priest retired a few years back, my auntie rounded up some cousins and friends to perform joyful joyful at a little retirement party he had. i am surprised that you think sister act 1 > 2 because i've always heard (and unassumingly agreed with) the opposite. shame there isn't an official sa2 soundtrack because the songs are total bops!


Words I've learned listening to this pod: Scheudenfrade Freudenschade Schadenfreude <3