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Costa Concordia was an Italian ocean liner whose name would become infamous around the world when, on January 13, 2012 (10 years to the day of this recording), it struck a rock off the coast of Tuscany and gradually capsized. 

The captain of the ship is currently serving jail time for the manslaughter of the passengers and crew who didn't make it out and serves as the inspiration for this pod because of the hideously similar characteristics he shares with Titanic coward, J. Bruce Ismay.

Wiki: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Costa_Concordia_disaster

Documentary: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2_yutEZRTHY




Love the weekly podcast! Best thing to listen on the way to work. Would you consider doing an episode about Will & Grace ?


Yes, here for this topic! Feels like a vintage Full Of It pod. I remember this happening on the news, truly a bizarre sight. Looking at it now it still gives me the creeps. I think it cemented my fear of large objects


Okay, so I remember seeing this the morning after as I was staying at my lovely Nonna Gigi's house and she eternally has the 6 o'clock news running (something about growing up in the 40s, the war, escaping Mussolini... all very dramatic) and my initial thought was "Oh no! That's terrible! And the captain abandoned the ship early? Bastard!", it did not take long for my Nonna to then scoff as she took a sip of her tea and say "Of course he's a bastard; he's an Italian who captains a cruise ship- you don't do that... WE don't do that. He sealed his fate, hope they hang 'im." She has always been the most colourful of women my Nonna Gigi. Thanks for another stunning episode :)


I think my favourite ever ship story is The Vasa. It was a Swedish warship in 1628 that basically fell over because of a strong breeze on her maiden voyage 390 feet from shore.


remember this when it happened, and reading about it afterwards. I was so furious at the captain! One case where I have absolutely no sympathy and think he should’ve got longer

Tara Harrison

Well this pod just increased my anxiety towards ships and cruises. I’ve never had any desire to go on a cruise. The thought of being trapped at sea with a bunch of retirees and bogans has never been my idea of a holiday, not to mention the amount of illness outbreaks that you hear about 😬 But now I have a fear of asshole captains just peacing out when the going gets tough. I’m good on land thanks, ta.


Finally catching up with the pod - find stuff to do with the Costa Concordia so interesting so looking forward to this one. (Will prob comment when I'm done tbh) but just had to say the song choice the way I let out a yelp laugh 🙈


So just finished up, agreed the photos after it was pulled are bleak - but if you find them interesting, there are also photos of the ship when it was pulled up of the casino etc and it's really haunting to look at. (https://www.dpreview.com/articles/9389171227/haunting-photos-from-inside-the-wrecked-cruise-ship-costa-concordia - the ones of the pool, theatre and casino in particular!) Also, if you find stuff about ships/failed theme parks etc interesting, highly recommend Bright Sun Films on Youtube if you don't already follow them. Also, total side note but as a full of beef pod with Nova suggestion, would love to hear you both go through some of the redic questions on AITA (Am I The Arsehole) on reddit and decide if, they are infact, the arsehole.


Lovely pod on a topic I know nothing about, which is always a treat. I know very little about aquatic travel, but I’ve got to say that when you’re a “Captain” of a “ship”, and said “ship” is “going down”... you’d think the phrase “A captain always goes down with his ship” would come to fucking mind!! OAF! Again I know nothing about the incident your planning to talk about next but I’m sensing a theme with these oceanic disasters so I’ll place my bets now: 1.) the captain will make a stupid decision that should never be made And 2.) it’ll come back to bite them in the absolute arse I’ll keep my fingers crossed x


I enjoyed the podcast Olympia always makes them interesting. I would rely more on the ship employees you deal with daily to take care of me the captain doesn't really have a daily interaction with his passengers. But not all captains should be judged like the Costa Concordia captain. Now I have been on 4 cruises starting in my 20s and love it. What I like about cruises is you are there for a week you unpack once most of your expenses are covered so I don't have to worry about running out of money. There are so many activities to do on a cruise or not to do and if you can't find something to do then you're hard to please. The food is great and plentiful. The entertainment is entertaining. One comment was about 'old people' well a cruise has all ages: families, older folk, single people and people from all countries. When I was in my 20s I met a lovely group of older women and had a great time with them. The cruise ships have stabilizers to stop the rolling of the ship. There was one time where we came into port and with the wind and waves hitting the ship on both sides that ship was really rolling, spooky rolling. I never got seasick because I would wear this prescription patch behind my ear. I would never travel on the mega ships that have been built, way to big. I agree with you Olympia I would never stay in my cabin if there's a problem with the ship. Have any of you seen the 1972 movie "The Poseidon Adventure"?


Can’t bloody believe the audacity of a captain to just up and leave a sinking ship. Even the band stayed on the titanic as it sank. I would’ve lost my patience with the bugger immediately is he said he was planning to help from land. But then again we all believe we would act more like a hero in these situations than we actually would. In reality I’d probably just hide in the wardrobe.


Helping from land has the same energy as when students are fighting on the corridor and I say I'll ring someone while the other teacher goes.


I wonder who they would have eaten first?