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Space Cadets was a British reality television event that spanned 10 consecutive nights during the Winter of 2005. 9 members of the public were weeded out to participate in a training program which would take place in Russia, with the end result being that 3 of the lucky contestants would become the very first tourists to visit space. 

What they didn't know was that the entire thing was an elaborate hoax and that the "successful" Space Cadets were being filmed inside a motion simulator. To the delight of the viewing audience who were in on the hoax from the very beginning, the Russian cosmonaut camp was really just a converted British military site and all of the trainees not only didn't leave the planet, they never even left England.

Wiki: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Space_Cadets_(TV_series)

Space Cadets FULL SHOW: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P3c5rsqqHjE&list=PL1XdIdTaqo7Ltnz0q_5gTjDS2wA5tkt-n



Mark Hall

Just wanted to say I’ve had a lovely Olympia inspired evening! Finally watched Clue (iconic), read through the wiki for most unusual deaths and finishing it off by listening to this latest pod in bed 😌 I was determined to enjoy myself…and I did! Thanks doll x 🖤


My old science teacher was Olives uncle. I honestly can't remember this, but maybe I thought it sounded too silly to be true at the time. It sort of buys into the thing I said about Ghostwatch and the like. If something is presented as credible by people with a trustworthy reputation, you can convince yourself a lot of stuff is genuine that you'd otherwise mock. Although it sounds like it was a bogus experiment for the sake of entertainment, its nice they got some sort of profound experience out of it. I used to feel like the days of overtly cruel reality TV had gone but things like Love Island are insidious in a completely different way. If I see one more person spouting" be kind" or "remember Caroline" while still willingly watching the show I'll scream. It might feel less frustrating if I didnt see the self same people being absolutely foul to contestants within weeks. At least it wasnt Theres Something About Miriam. Unrelated, have you watched the Nicole Kidman movie of Lucille Ball? Also, I recently discovered a podcast called Lets Talk to Lucy which is actually a compilation of her radio talk show interviewing all the old stars. Its very old Hollywood and full of people using terms like Motion Picture so maybe you can find some entertainment there as some sort of double package. Hope you have a great new years!


I feel like shows that brand themselves as "Social Experiments" are just invitations to laugh at people who are made to sound as delusional as possible by the editing. In the US we had a show called I Wanna Marry Harry where the premise of the show was that American women were flown to an English castle to meet a Prince Harry lookalike whom the women were meant to believe was the real thing via fake bodyguards staged called with royal advisors, and the idea was to see if the winning girl would stay with the fake after forming a connection. The women on the show were manipulated by having therapists telling them not to doubt what's going on. It's similar to Joe Millionaire where the women are led to believe they're dating a millionaire and if they would marry for love, not money. PS I'm now obsessed with Playing It Straight, the show Roly is commenting on his channel currently.


The tv show reminds me of a tv show called "The Mole", A show which the contestants work as a group to add money to a kitty that only one of them will win. Among the contestants is one person who has been designated "the Mole" by the producers and is tasked with sabotaging the group's money-making efforts. His or her identity is unknown until the end of the series, when two genuine contestants take a final quiz in the final episode regarding details of the Mole. At the end of each episode, the contestant who knows the least about who the mole is, as decided by the results of a quiz, is eliminated from the game


Here is a link to the US The Mole - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLfyKAsU-3EmEaccwECpYxtgHVcNOZzXrC


I’ve never heard of this televisual programme treat before - will have to check it out. I’m with you on the reality shows of the noughties - big brother stopped being watchable after it moved to Channel 5. Like you said, it went from being an eclectic group of somewhat interesting people to a hoard of pretty people with very little to offer apart from looking ‘hot’! Never watched the K*ardashians or any off spawn and shan’t be starting anytime soon! Great pod as per, doll, cheers, thanks a lot 😁👍🏻


As always wonderful pod, loving the stream of 90’s/00’s tv episodes, my personal favorite tv trash has to be airline, but currently watching below deck and It’s so shit but I can’t stop watching. Thinking about hoaxes/weird shit, would you consider talking about war of the worlds? I find it so amusing that they had this broadcast that everyone just believed was real. Also the 70’s album is so camp, how the f are they still touring it today? Who is their audience? It may be just me but I find its lasting influence fascinating. Merry festivities to you, Nerva and Bart!


I love ma’girls! I am entertained and receive some level of joy from ALL that you do!! ❤️


I had to cancel plans to have my best friend come and see me today because of Covid and am naturally heartbroken. But nothing quite lifts my spirits so much as hearing our darling Lymp say “I better check this is still going.” Some things DO stay the same. Thanks for the consistent pods, girls. They’re a highlight of my week.


((((Sorry if this already appears in the comments feed - my msg looks like it got deleted.)))) I’ve been a patron since 2019 and I have listened to every episode of the pod. I often work nights and put Full Of It on the speakers so my colleagues and I can listen to your dulcet tones. Back in February we were listening to the Murder Game episode and we were well excited after learning the show was filmed in Maldon. I very rarely comment on the pods, but I had to say something about the Murder Game after you mentioned it here. (I posted this originally under the OG episode back in February but deleted it as it was from a few years ago and didn’t think anyone would care for it). A brief description to jog the memory; The Murder Game was a British reality television series that aired on BBC One from March to May 2003. In the town of Blackwater a fictional woman named Catherine Prior had been murdered. Ten contestants from the British public were set the challenge of becoming investigators and finding the killer. 
This “fictional” town ‘Blackwater’ was Maldon, Essex (they mention Maldon on the actual show so don’t know why they used ‘Blackwater’ on the wiki page). I was born, went to school, work, and live in Maldon (what a boring life HAH). After listening to that episode of the pod I spent a couple of hours speed watching the episodes (all on youtube, link in the description (have you watched hot money?)) to see if I can recognise any of the locations. Could I FUCK! Its from nearly 20 years ago and the only thing I can recognise are shots of the bridges over the river blackwater. There was a killer game location of an ‘old hospital’ and I would not be surprised if it was St Peters Hospital/Maternity ward; the hospital where I was born! Its fucking creepy there tbh. Literally, in the first Killer Game one of the locations was The Power Museum, I went to Nursery school not 20 seconds away from that Museum. 

 What are the chances one of your patrons was from this shithole. 


 Antique Shop 2003:
 Antique Shop 2020 (Bakery):


Last thing I swear!!! Back at the beginning of the pandemi moore (i'll get out now) I saw adverts on Channel 4 for a "Murder Island" which was asking for participants. I mentioned it in the discord, and thought about dming you two to see if you'd be interested in applying. Googled it and it aired in October this year - 6 episodes it looks like, and exactly the same concept, just on an island. Thank you for everything you do! I hope you feel better soon, all the love in the world, Joey


Olympia, i need your opinion, me and mum are watching drag race with RuPaul as the main host do you think that Ru has an image for what a drag queen is and how they act and perform because the winners seem to be all the same? I can't believe about betty I'm having a golden girls marathon in her honour.


Yalri Gal, Love the pod and all the Patreon content, I only made a Patreon account for you lot. Anyways, I have a suggestion for a podcast episode. Next Year marks 10 years since the Kony 2012 campaign. Remember that mess and the grip that it had on us worldwide. I think it’ll be funny and interesting to go back over that whole phenomenon and it’s downfall Love ye lots like jelly tots, Daniel