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Phoebe Handsjuk was a 24-year-old Australian woman who died under mysterious circumstances when she was discovered having fallen down a garbage chute in her affluent Melbourne apartment complex. 

Despite being under the substantial influence of alcohol and sleeping pills, police immediately determined that she had climbed into the tiny garbage chute by herself and didn't bother to investigate further. They didn't even look into the movements of her boyfriend who, twice her age, would go on to have a second dead girlfriend 8 years later.

This is obviously another grim pod so fair warning, we do discuss substance abuse and suicide.

60 Minutes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tq4qVwouXuI
60 Minutes Under Investigation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DcLJ2Lecz0E




Age gap of 9 years here. I'm (Gavin) 9 years older than Sean. We met when he was 24, he pursued me and I was just out of a relationship at the time. We ended up friends for a couple of years before I realised I'd fallen for him too. There isn't that much maturity difference between us. It can be noticeable in things like dealing with confrontational situations or in a crisis, but those things vary from person to person anyway. We're also from different countries (although Ireland is very similar, theres still a lot of different pop culture references), so any shared experiences we would have as kids would have been different regardless, so the things you would imagine causing problems don't. Although this is the longest age gap I've had, all my relationships have had some degree of age gap in one direction or the other, and we've always bonded over the same things everyone else does, mutual interests, TV shows, sense of humour. For some it won't work, people age differently and some 38yr olds are wildly more mature in their tastes than me, but then the same can be said of some 18 year olds. I do agree that some degree of caution on the part of friends and family is pertinent, as abusive power dynamics are much easier to fall into with an older partner, but generally a good rule is to let people date who makes them happy. In the instance of Phoebe and her partner, I agree with you though. Even if he didn't kill her, he definitely wasn't a healthy relationship for her.


My husband is 10 years older than me, the thing is that ke being younger doesn't represent a preference for him, hence we have been together 10 years and grown together. Similar to your situation, from what you've said above. A lot of age gap relationships are toxic because the older chooses a younger partner for control/status etc and/or the younger selects an older partner to fill some sort of void. Big love to you ❤


You've never seen The Sopranos? Edie Falcone is FANTASTIC in that!


June’s Journey is quite good. Cheers, yeah, thanks a lot.


Gosh I remember hearing another podcast about this case and having to stop because of the foot part. Hearing about gore usually doesn’t bother me but there is something specifically about *almost* completely severing a limb that just nauseates me. The thought of that poor girl possibly being alive still and not being saved for the “sake of the crime scene” only for the police to call it a suicide is just heartbreaking! For her sake, I hope that wasn’t the case.


I haven’t finish this pod yet, but I am finally your expert in a subject. I am a Police Officer in the UK. I’ve been a response officer for 4 years. If you have any questions, feel free to ask me anything. I haven’t finished this episode yet, so I might comment again when I’ve finished it and give you my thoughts. Just about her being declared deceased by the attending officers. In my experience this would be obvious to an experienced officer, the smell is obvious after a few hours. Rigor can set in very quickly. It is quite obvious, so then shutting down the scene is understood. And shows they were taking it seriously I guess. If you ever need my insight get in touch


I'm 25 and my boyfriend is 44. For the most part, the age gap doesn't really come into it, we're pretty similar and have loads in common. I thought my parents would be weirder about it when we first got together. Though I think it helps that my parent are both in their 60s, I think they'd have more of an issue if they were younger and therefore closer in age to him. It can be strange to navigate an age gap and keep the relationship feeling equal. He's got a lot more lived experience than me so it can be too easy to look to him for guidance and to 'take control'. Strangely, we get a lot more weird reactions from straight people than gayers. 🤷‍♂️ But a LOT of assumptions about having a daddy kink 😂


Hi Olympia! I've been a patron for a while now and caught your podcast in the past, but lately I've been able to work from home and finally caught up with the pod and I'm excited to start awaiting them each week! As these things go, I'm someone who often seeks out older men. My first first boyfriend was 30 when I was 21, and now at 30 my current partner is 36. I feel like an age gap is more common amongst gay men since our dating pool is smaller, and I knew from early on my type of guy skews hairier and beefier, who tend to be older, so it was never really a matter of maturity for me as I came out rather late. A family friend was also incidentally married to a cop. He was relatively decent when they first met, but during the Trump era he began to suspect anyone remotely left leaning of being anti-cop and frequently threatened to quit when he felt like people didn't worship him for his career choices.


1. This woman was clearly murdered no ifs or buts. It’s shameful how police just overlook shit. 2. You could never go stale, you are subway, always fresh. 3. I’d love to hear a pod about your college life, unless of course you’ve already done, in which case I need to go back and look 😅 4.On MoMo being ‘masc’ I meant more physically speaking. He looked more masculine which was different from what I’d always seen growing up.

Tara Harrison

Hiya darlin, great episode as per usj. Going a bit off topic here but just wanted to say a massive thank you for all the amazing content you gals have been putting out this year. The last two years have been absolute shitters for me, but becoming a patron was one of the best things I did for my mental health. You two beautiful ladies have given me much needed laughs and respite from some dark shit going on in my life. I love having a new video and pod to look forward to each week and it’s been fun going through and bingeing all the old FOI’s while I play mindless puzzle games on my phone. I hope you both have a lovely Christmas (even though you hate it). At the very least, it’s just an excuse to get pissed, overeat and buy yourself some tat coz fuck it, it’s Christmas. Appreciate everything you do. Go for it geewrrrlls! Much love from your annoying Australian friend xx


Seated with a pot of Boursin, crackers and a full of it about a death... Heaven