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Nurse Jackie is an American medical dramedy (remember when people said dramedy) that aired from 2009 to 2015 - on which network and to whom, I have absolutely no idea. I've never met another person who watched this show and it might speak much more to who I'm friends with than anything else because I'm sure it was popular during its run. If you've never heard of this show and love anything dark and cutting (with a delightfully piquant wit) then it's a must-see to get you through the heinous holiday season.




I loved Nurse Jackie so much


If there isnt at least one 'Nurse Jackeh help meh' then Im removing my Patreon pledge :*


Oh I’m sorry but when that Crystal Maze tune dropped OMG YEEESSS! I used to love that show!!!! The old version is the best by far!!!! The remake is as just like meh….. trying to hard….. there was something magical about that show!!! And yeh it was like one or two teams ever won the grand prize. We have a local attraction where you can get a team of your mates and compete in a “crystal maze” style competition. We are definitely trying it at some point when we can!! Love ya all!!! ❤️❤️


I LOVED Nurse Jackie. I watched it live when it first aired and several times since then. I can't wait to see what you think of the ending, because people have different opinions about what the final episode means. I kind of liken Nurse Jackie to a reverse Dexter. Jackie lies and schemes to help others while hurting herself, and Dexter lies and schemes to help himself while hurting others, but both have an enormous web of lies they have to keep track of. Edie Falco and Merritt Wever are great, too! I almost put Edie in the same realm as Toni Collette acting-wise.


I loved that show. Watched it in repeat when I was planning my wedding 😂🤣😂🤣. Its ironic, coz being a nurse, I hate medical dramas as I would keep seeing all the medical stuff being performed incorrectly. I would really grinned my gears but that show would make me laugh so much!


I started Nurse Jackie, but quickly got bored of all the lying and bad attitude. But maybe I’ll give it another try. 🤔


Jackie help me

Mark Hall

I was gonna say I think I’ve been watching too much Novympia lately. Every single time Jackie was mentioned I thought “Jackie help meh”. Every. Time. 😂


I was so excited when I saw the topic of this weeks pod. I love Nurse Jackie! It started when I was at uni and my friends and I were obsessed. I haven’t re watched in years partly because I couldn’t find it online anywhere but also because I remember it being a bit of a slog sometimes. It can be quite frustrating to watch someone get tangled in lie after lie when as the audience you’re just waiting for it to all come crashing down on her. The cast is just so great in this show and I agree, Merritt Wever is also brilliant in Unbelievable. Thanks for a lovely nostalgic pod and for inspiring me to re watch it. It’s come at the perfect time as I’m currently isolating with covid so I can just sit and binge the lot! P.s im sure you’re already aware but I noticed Terror Trade’s new release is of ‘The Ring.’ I thought of you as soon as I saw it 😊


I used to LOVE nurse Jackie as a kid! I couldn’t tell you now about a single episode but I definitely need to watch them again. I watched a lot of this and Summer Heights High around this time as it was on showtime and HBO. I was around 11/12 mind you 😂Kind of related: You brought up a very good point with Mo-mo, the stereotypical gay, he was stereotypical in a sense of his “horniness” that all gays get pinned as, but was very ‘masc’ which for the time was a huge contrast to the often depicted “sissy” (all terms I detest). A film that talks about the old stereotypes and depictions of gays you should maybe look up is called The Celluloid closet. SO GOOD! So many films are brought up that had so many gay tones that went right over my head (and right down my ear’ole) 😂 xx


Similar feelings towards Nurse Jackie where I loved the first couple seasons but then it just got a bit bleak and the storyline bored me. I initially started watching it because it had Peter Faccinelli in it who was in Twilight (don't start on me)