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Lady in the Lake is the title of the fifth episode of Netflix's second volume of Unsolved Mysteries. As a transitional pod from spooky season, join me this evening as we discuss a lady called JoAnn Romain, whose body was discovered in a lake more than 2 months after mysteriously vanishing from her local church following an evening mass. While her kids maintain that she was murdered, police decided that she simply left the church, crossed several large roads, walked down an icy embankment in high heels and drowned herself in 12 inches of water.




I mean the police in general in America suck ass, they seem to be lazy and entirely disinterested in actually doing the job they're (probably very little) getting paid to do...It makes logical sense to conserve resources by pinning the blame on someone innnocent using the veneration of social biases or using suicide as a quick and "tidy" way to close the case, but I mean good god do your effin' jobs! Police in 'Merica should always be held with high suspiscion because of the apparent fact that the police as America knows them today, actually began when slaves began escaping from the plantations (I'm no expert so take that as you will). Also did they check her phone?? If she was being followed or felt that way it's kind ridiculous to not report that TO THE POLICE, so they can either help or...not. If I felt like I was being followed I'd immediately get my family or the authorities to keep an eye on me! And I'd never leave the house by myself and at night?? I highly agree that it's either a massive police cover up or something much more general and/or sinister...the fact that there seems to be SO many of these kinds of things happening in America really makes me wonder if there's something in the water there turning people into psychopaths and sociopathic narcissists...


I often go back and relisten to podcasts of yours. I particularly like the wide-umbrella’d mystery genre podcasts the best, so I have a lot of favourites! I cant decide on a favourite but the ones I listen to most off the top of my head are the 911 podcast, Jan Dildo, Luke Magnotta, Elisa Lam, and the Dyatlov pass incident. I enjoy the unsolved mystery/ unexplained reasoning aspects of them. I have also just rewatched your YouTube video about your old housemate J for similar reasons. As I’m living alone at the moment and as the pandemic continues, I enjoy having the company of your podcasts while also having some food for thought at the same time. And we all love those dulcet tones!