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Hocus Pocus is a 1993 American dark fantasy film starring Bette Midler, Kathy Najimy and Sarah Jessica Parker. It would impress upon a young Olympia with the full force of a Soviet freight train. From the fanciful flight of a beautiful SJP singing to the children of Salem astride a sexy broom in the moonlit sky to Bette Midler's giant teeth and Kathy Najimy barking like an Alsatian, the whole thing is Halloween perfection. This ep features a salacious story about how I secretly broke my mother's garden broom trying to reenact a scene from the film so tbh it's worth talking about just to hear that.




OH MY GOD! I Love Hocus Pocus! i first saw it at the cinema with my sister i think it was 1994 or 95 for a halloween screening and still remember her patting my arm and earnestly telling me not to worry at the scene where max tries to get help from the police and turns out to be a guy in a halloween costume as “you’re not allowed to pretend to be a policeman in england so we would be ok if this happened to us and we told the police” i still chuckle now thinking back of the whole film to that point was ok but impersonating a police officer was a crime too far! And oh my god the songs, sarahs come little children and the ensemble i put a spell on you was just captivating i was OBSESSED! The next year for halloween i was a witch and my forever ally sister was my cat. I was a bit confused when i saw the children dressed as fairies and astronaughts and mrs potts from beauty and the beast for halloween costumes until my mum explained....halloween is a bit different in America, more commercial and not as ghost and ghoul and witchy but more nice costume and lots of sweets, i was mortified and couldn’t imagine halloween without plastic vampire teeth that cut your gums from the local spar shop and a long floaty cloak (home made of course) haha and a broom with about six twigs weaved on it! another queer ally was the lovely lady in the local video shop. A proper safe space to rent anything you wanted without fear of judgement like you mentioned. She used to recommend films to me with an unspoken understanding for a 15/16 year old me as i was a quiet, northern fat gay boy (i’m only three of those things now thankfully....still fat, gay and northern) in a small town with no real outlet to the LGBT + world other than through queer centric films, one of which was hedwig and the angry inch, leading to the line “you don’t put bras in the tumble drier.......THEY WARP” to be shouted at my sister for years i can’t wait for Hocus Pocus 2 and hope its as good as the first. We have been teased by the internet for too long for it not to be brilliant! for halloween i was at work to celebrate the anniversary of qualifying as a nurse as my qualification was awarded on the 31st of October then out after for drinks with a few friends and managed to acquire a chic witches hat.....bonus! So my favourite witch was me! haha Sorry yet another meandering post, again between shifts but on days this time for long weekend, Hope everyone in the cult are staying safe and you dolls (and bart) at the heights are staying well!


My fave Halloween movie! I learnt the word 'virgin' from Hocus Pocus, but for some reason my Mum told me that it was someone who didn't have a driving licence, so as to not explain to a 5 year old what it meant. Made school nativities very confusing... Also been watching Baumgartner on YouTube and come to the conclusion that he is so bloody boring, however he is ideal for parody and was making me laugh thinking what you'd do with it 😂